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  • im gmt-7 what are you
    ill be on cm soon if you wanna battle
    I was at a friend's house but if ur available rn we can go
    just in case i go offline and we're not able to battle today, does tomorrow same time work for you?
    U on now, if not has to be next week due to camp :(
    wow, nice custom title ;~; .So, what's your story behind gettin' it?
    yo we've got the monotype ssnl, I'm GMT-5 (EST), and I'm available all week from 3PM-7PM my time.
    You said 4am my time, right? I can manage that tomorrow if you're ready by then.
    OK, i think I can play up until 6 your time actually, but I'll be on at 4 your time, your ps username is the same right?
    yeah my ps username is my forum username
    We got paired for the Bad STABmons Tour. I am GMT-5 (CST) and I feel like I see you often, but just in case wanna play sometime this weekend? :)
    Yeah sure, I'll be on fairly often, cant be on today much though, but yeah probably this weekend
    Sounds good then n_n
    I want to help the Killer Beez.

    What are the qualifications? Is there a CT or Banner imposed? (0_0)7
    Well, you failed the first test, it's qualificationz, and you may help the cause by breeding (AKA drawing) or getting someone to breed them :P
    Yeah since 400 is already a meta, maybe something like 2/3? Since you need to lose 2/3 of your entire team's percent
    That sounds p cool, your the best out of 1 submission so far :P also could you gimme the code if possible?
    Unfortunately I haven't gotten around to it at all because of school and robotics and life :( can't exactly code on my phone (which is what I'm mostly on) but don't worry, it'll happen.
    Hi, I'm supposed to fight Higster for the Mono Brigade tour, I couldn't find his smogon, and since you were are the team rep I figured I'd post here, and you could pass it along. GMT -5 available pretty much any afternoon and all day weekends.
    Sorry, he doesn't have a Smogon, I'll try to organise it thoe
    Yo our teams are matched up lmk who's playing for you, I'll hit you up with the peeps repping our squad when I get their response
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