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  1. dibs

    Gen 6 (PU) interdimensional portal leading to a cute place, but I just call it Hailstorm because that's a lot shorter

    I've been meaning to make this RMT for ages but never felt that it was appropriate or necessary, but with ORAS PU quickly fading into obscurity I figured that I may aswell make it as my final throwback to the team. The team was conceptualised around a memey core of two auto-weather setters...
  2. dibs

    Metagame Lure That Threat: Week 24 Standby Phase - Read the OP before posting

    OP Stolen from my old thread which was stolen by Team Pokepals approved by Megazard Anty amazing art by iRebel READ THE BIT ABOUT WHAT MAKES A GOOD LURE BEFORE POSTING A LURE Welcome to the PU Lure That Thread! We all know what lures are and what they do, specific pokemon that run an...
  3. dibs

    Dibs' Newly Rebranded Super Duper Cool Special Awesome Art-Dump-But-Not-Shop Shop

    Hi, I hate laddering so I draw random stuff on paint instead. Some people call it bad art, but I call it really bad art. Luckily Crayons brushes fix everything! Finished Requests and other stuff