Harry Potter Mafia II - Post-game Discussion

Congratulations to all Death Eaters for coming out on top in the end, and well done everyone! This game was exciting to watch and me and evan are really satisfied.

Of course, everyone should be curious what the hell went on behind the scenes.

First off, all roles.

50 people

10 Death Eaters
v 8 Death Eaters
v 1 Voldemort
v 1 Peter Pettigrew (mole)

14 Ministry
v 1 Fudge + 1 Percy
v 3 groups of 3 Ministry Workers
v 1 group of 1 Umbridge (evil interceptor with priority, but only 2 attempts) + 2 Ministry Workers

24 Hogwarts
v 15 Students
v 9 Special
- v 1 Hermione (Half Assed Psychic/Inspector)
- v 1 Pomfrey (Bodyguard)
- v 1 Kingsley (Order of the Phoenix Secret Keeper, sends interceptable letter to one person, letter only exists if the receiver (Student) is marked, [00:22:30] <evan> What's that? Kingsley is evolving! if 3 recruited, becomes limited Hooker)
- v 1 Lily Potter (Bulletproof Vest, mostly unaware of this)
- v 2 Fred & George Weasley (Masons, get info from Arthur Weasley unless intercepted)
- v 1 Arthur Weasley (inspector, the information he requests goes to Fred and George, can be intercepted)
- v 1 Filch (interceptor, can opt to intercept 4 times during the whole game, intercepts information from Arthur -> F&G, Fudge -> Ministry Workers, lower priority than Umbridge)
- v 1 Hedwig (protects letters from one person at night)

Lucius (picks alliance)
v 1 Lucius Malfoy (can switch sides until a night later to be determined)

Snape (alliance can be changed by event once during the game)
v 1 Snape (switch sides to Death Eater when Lily is lynched, Legimency disables inspection by Hermione and Arthur Weasley)


Karrot, you are Hermione Granger.
You are allied with Hogwarts.
Your role in the movie is played by Emma Watson, who is pretty fucking hot.

You know more than any student around on the school, but you're still not satisfied. Every night, you will visit the library to learn even more about Hogwarts. You will even find valuable information about the people that are being sheltered by Hogwarts today. Which persons can be trusted and which cannot be? Unfortunately, you do not know who lies behind these roles, but the background information on what roles are in play will help you nonetheless.

PM me the name from the Harry Potter series, and I will tell you what information they got at the start of the game, provided they exist.


Zephyrman, you are Arthur Weasley.
You are allied with Hogwarts.

You work at the Ministry, but unlike many of your collegues you are not corrupt and wish for the war to end in the favor of Dumbledore. Your job is to investigate which role a certain person is playing. PM me the name of the person you want to inspect during the night. However, it will be too risky to keep such sensitive information lying around the office, so it will be sent to an ally instead, using an owl. Owl post is not the safest way of communication wizards have, but it will have to do in these times of war.


Hipmonlee, you are Madame Pomfrey.
You are allied with Hogwarts.

As the nurse of the hospital wing of Hogwarts, you are busier than ever. Dumbledore relies on you to keep the Students alive and well. Every night, you will "accidentally" break the bones of one person you want to stay in bed for the night, both to cure them from what is actually your fault and to protect them from further harm.

PM me the name of one person during the night, and that target is guaranteed to see the morning light (wow, that rhymes).


Pidgeot79, you are Lily Potter.
You are allied with Hogwarts.

You are a very talented and charming witch, desired by many to the point that it affects the war, even those allied against you. In what way exactly, you do not know. You might just find out during the course of the game, though when you do find out it may already be too late.

You do not have a night role.

Note by Mekkah: Lily Potter was a Bullet Proof Vest, even though she didn't know it. Never did it matter though.


Toothache, you are Fred Weasley.
You are allied with Hogwarts.

You and your brother George, known as CardsoftheHeart, got into this magic war together, so you should come out together too. You know each others' identity, which will help you to keep each other alive. You will find you are not the only Weasley family member involved.

You do not have a night role.


CardsoftheHeart, you are George Weasley.
You are allied with Hogwarts.

You and your brother Fred, known as Toothache, got into this magic war together, so you should come out together too. You know each others' identity, which will help you to keep each other alive. You will find you are not the only Weasley family member involved.

You do not have a night role.


n3ther, you are Hedwig.
You are allied with Hogwarts.

As the owl of the Boy Who Lived, it is your duty to counter the common misconception that owl post cannot be 100% reliable. During the night, you will carry the letter of one person to another in safety. No matter what the hazards or consequences may be, that letter will arrive at its destination. Simply pick a person, and if that person is sending any letters during the night, nobody is opening it first but the intended receiver.


StrangerDanger, you are Argus Filch.
You are allied with Hogwarts.

You despise Students because you are jealous of their ability to learn magic, which you, a Squib, cannot. You hate the work you have to do: cleaning, guarding the castle, keeping Peeves at bay and all those other tedious jobs. The fact that you have to do it all the Muggle way does not help. Nonetheless, deep inside, you are grateful towards Dumbledore for giving you a job in the wizard world. During this confused state in Hogwarts, you have been given the job to check on the owl mails flying around. This is a clever attempt of Dumbledore to find out who could possibly be a Death Eater or Ministry Worker disguised as a Student within Hogwarts Walls. However, to avoid raising suspicion from anyone, you may only use this ability five times during the whole game. Each night, you PM me whether you wish to intercept all on-going owls or not.

If you do so, you will get all the on-going messages, both from good and bad sides, instead of the person who they are addressed to. You will see what the roles of the senders are and who the letters were addressed to, but not the name of the person who sent the letter. The person who the letter was sent to will receive an empty enveloppe instead.


You are a Student.
You are allied with Hogwarts.

As if the homework from all these classes weren't enough, you now have to keep up your guard even outside of your lessons due to the threat of the corrupt Ministry of Magic and Voldemort's Death Eaters infiltrating inside the castle. Your only hope is situated in the Great Hall. Every morning, you get to cast a vote on that person you think is up to evil deeds. Beware that everyone else in the hall will do so as well, so be careful with accusations! The person with the most votes will be executed. At night, you will obviously sleep, or pray that someone comes to your aid.


You are a Ministry Worker.
You are allied with the Ministry of Magic.

You work at the Ministry of Magic, sent by Cornelius Fudge to spy inside Hogwarts to see what Dumbledore is up to, and kill off everyone valuable to him. The fact that there's Death Eaters in there as well serves to silence the corrupt Minister's conscience.

There is one small problem with your assignment. To avoid detection, you have been sent into Hogwarts into small groups. You do not know who your other collegues are, or even who the Minister is. You only know the identity of two other workers, and they know yours. It is in your best interest to find the Minister and everyone allied with him.

There is 14 people allied with the Ministry, you included. Fudge is working with one other person, who will replace him in the event that he perishes. There is also someone with a special power. This person operates with two other regular Ministry Workers.

Cornelius Fudge will determine who the Ministry is killing during the night. The more quickly the Ministry unites, the less the chance that you accidentally off one of your own.

This unit consists of the people:
1. akuchi
2. sanjay120
3. Mr.378


You are a Ministry Worker.
You are allied with the Ministry of Magic.

You work at the Ministry of Magic, sent by Cornelius Fudge to spy inside Hogwarts to see what Dumbledore is up to, and kill off everyone valuable to him. The fact that there's Death Eaters in there as well serves to silence the corrupt Minister's conscience.

There is one small problem with your assignment. To avoid detection, you have been sent into Hogwarts into small groups. You do not know who your other collegues are, or even who the Minister is. You only know the identity of two other workers, and they know yours. It is in your best interest to find the Minister and everyone allied with him.

There is 14 people allied with the Ministry, you included. Fudge is working with one other person, who will replace him in the event that he perishes. There is also someone with a special power. This person operates with two other regular Ministry Workers.

Cornelius Fudge will determine who the Ministry is killing during the night. The more quickly the Ministry unites, the less the chance that you accidentally off one of your own.

This unit consists of the people:
1. gsumbreon
2. Max
3. Dak


You are a Ministry Worker.
You are allied with the Ministry of Magic.

You work at the Ministry of Magic, sent by Cornelius Fudge to spy inside Hogwarts to see what Dumbledore is up to, and kill off everyone valuable to him. The fact that there's Death Eaters in there as well serves to silence the corrupt Minister's conscience.

There is one small problem with your assignment. To avoid detection, you have been sent into Hogwarts into small groups. You do not know who your other collegues are, or even who the Minister is. You only know the identity of two other workers, and they know yours. It is in your best interest to find the Minister and everyone allied with him.

There is 14 people allied with the Ministry, you included. Fudge is working with one other person, who will replace him in the event that he perishes. There is also someone with a special power. This person operates with two other regular Ministry Workers.

Cornelius Fudge will determine who the Ministry is killing during the night. The more quickly the Ministry unites, the less the chance that you accidentally off one of your own.

This unit consists of the people:
1. Galahad
2. Kade Zonglo
3. CaptKirby

MINISTRY WORKER - GROUP #4 (group of two + Umbridge)

You are a Ministry Worker.
You are allied with the Ministry of Magic.

You work at the Ministry of Magic, sent by Cornelius Fudge to spy inside Hogwarts to see what Dumbledore is up to, and kill off everyone valuable to him. The fact that there's Death Eaters in there as well serves to silence the corrupt Minister's conscience.

There is one small problem with your assignment. To avoid detection, you have been sent into Hogwarts into small groups. You do not know who your other collegues are, or even who the Minister is. You only know the identity of two other workers, and they know yours. It is in your best interest to find the Minister and everyone allied with him.

There is 14 people allied with the Ministry, you included. Fudge is working with one other person, who will replace him in the event that he perishes. You are in the unit of Dolores Umbridge, who has a special power for intercepting letters during the night.

Cornelius Fudge will determine who the Ministry is killing during the night. The more quickly the Ministry unites, the less the chance that you accidentally off one of your own.

Dolores: GTS
Ministry Workers: Jackal, AdamantTorterra


Obi, you are Percy Weasley.
You are allied with the Ministry of Magic.

You are the personal assistant of Cornelius Fudge, also known as Thunderpup. The goal of you and the rest of the Ministry is to wipe out all allied with Hogwarts and Death Eaters. To avoid detection by Dumbledore, you have been sent into the castle in five seperate units. You and Fudge are one of these. Dolores Umbridge and two regular workers form a second. The others are seperated into three groups of three, which makes 14 people allied with the Ministry.

During the operation to get into Hogwarts, you have lost touch with the rest of the Ministry Workers. The people within groups know each other, and it is in your best interest to unite them all together. Your job is to assist Fudge in finding the others.

Cornelius Fudge will determine who the Ministry is killing during the night. The more quickly the Ministry unites, the less the chance that you accidentally off one of your own.

If Cornelius Fudge dies, you will replace him, and another Ministry Worker will take the duty to assist you, even if you have found no allies yet.


GTS, you are Dolores Umbridge.
You are allied with the Ministry of Magic.

You are a very mean woman with a grudge against Dumbledore, Hogwarts and anything that makes sense in general. When Cornelius Fudge, the Minister of Magic, was looking for volunteers for infiltrating Hogwarts, you were one of the first to raise your hand. The goal of you and the rest of the Ministry of Magic is to eliminate all of those who are allied with Hogwarts or the Death Eaters.

There is one small problem that will get in the way when trying to reach this goal. To avoid detection, you have been sent into Hogwarts into small groups. You do not know who your other collegues are, or even who the Minister is. You only know the identity of two other workers, and they know yours. It is in your best interest to find the Minister and everyone allied with him.

You are far from helpless though, because you are very gifted at watching communication channels, particulary owl mail. At night, you may PM me whether you wish to intercept all owl post sent during the night. You can only do this twice during the game. All owl letters sent by anyone will go to you instead. You will not know who sent them, but you will know who they are addressed to. The letters will contain valuable information, both to help you find the other Ministry allied people and to destroy the two opposing sides.

To help you with your evil plotting, two Ministry Workers have gone along with you to assist.

Ministry Workers: Jackal, Adamant_Torterra


Thunderpup, you are Cornelius Fudge.
You lead the Ministry of Magic.

As the Minister of Magic, you could no longer handle standing and watching at the horror that were Dumbledore's way of running things. Despite the fact that you were quick to turn to him for advice, you decided to teach him a lesson. A harsh, personal lesson. You and a group of loyal Ministry Workers went into Hogwarts, disguised as Students, with your goal to eliminate the Students, teachers and everyone else affliated with the school. Little did you know that Voldemort and his Death Eaters had the same plan...your goal is to eliminate everyone who is not allied with your group. You are allowed to PM me one name per night, and that person will be killed at your command. Converse with your Ministry Workers to see what would be your best night target.

And that is where we run into a little bit of trouble. To avoid being caught by someone not as sympathetic with the Ministry, you sent Ministry Workers ahead in small groups. When you went into the fray yourself with your personal assistant Percy, also known as Obi, you couldn't find your collegues anywhere. You know they are still out there, though. Finding them is crucial for your victory though.

Including you, there are 14 people allied with the Ministry. Nine of them are split up in three groups of three. You and Percy form a pair, and then Dolores Umbridge and two other faithful workers form the last group. Umbridge has a special power you will find very useful for gaining information.

There is two other things you should know about your night power.

First thing is, you are allowed to randomly kill, instead of target-kill. That means I will pick who you kill using random.org and the sign-up list, and I will tell you who your target is. There's a twist: the chance that a Ministry Worker is picked from there will be considerably smaller.

For a second thing, you are allowed to write a letter every night. It will be a recruitment letter, used to find other Ministry Members. You pick a player, and if he is allied with the Ministry and did not die during the night, a letter will be sent to him using an owl. This is not the most reliable way, but it's all you can do with security being so tight everywhere. The letter will tell that member that you are Fudge, and when he sees it he will get in touch with you and likely inform his co-workers as well. If the person you want to send a letter to died or is not allied with Ministry, the letter will not be sent at all.

So, for a summary, PM me the name of the person you want to kill (or if you want me to pick randomly), and if you want to send a letter, include a name of a person you want to send a letter to as well.

Good luck.


Lord_Sunday, you are Kingsley Shacklebolt.
You are allied with Hogwarts.

Kingsley Shacklebolt is one of the most noble and righteous men of any age. You lead the fight against both Death Eaters and corrupt Ministry Workers with the help of the inner circle of the Order of the Phoenix. There is a problem, however. In the bedlam that is Hogwarts infiltrated by the Ministry and Lord Voldemort’s Death Eaters, you have lost contact with your Order of the Phoenix contacts in the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. For now, you must focus all of your energy and powers on locating as many of them as possible before they are found and killed by your enemies.

Each night, you can PM me the name of one player you suspect may be a member of the Order. If you are correct, a message will be sent by Owl Post, not the most secure method of communication but all the wizarding world has left, to your target informing them of your presence and their status as a member of the Order of the Phoenix.

Once you have located a few members of the Order you will be free to turn your mighty powers against your enemies, but for now their safety is your primary concern.

Note by Mekkah: Kingsley had to recruit 3 people of the Order of the Phoenix to "promote". We originally planned hooker, but since that slows the game down we changed to vigilante. Sadly Sunday got killed after he had two people recruited (Fishin and n3ther).

The recruitables were Karrot, n3ther, Fishin, Judgement, porygon3, Pim and leafgreen386, indicated by "blazing orbs" they got during the first night. Some people thought they could be used as the student's symbol (which is the test Kira was referring to). While it did indeed indicate clean people, not all clean people got this symbol.

I was actually planning to send the symbols along with the game-starting PM, but I forgot. Didn't matter though. What was a bit more foolish was that I forgot to show the orbs when leafgreen386 and Karrot died. I made up for it by letting Pim (another marked student) make a night trip to find the orbs on their bodies, but he sent the info straight to the evil source (Kira) later on. On later kills I did show the orbs on everyone.


You are a Death Eater.
You are allied with the Death Eaters.

You are nameless. You are faceless. Your only allegiance is to your master, Lord Voldemort. For years the Hogwarts School of Withcraft and Wizardry has proven to be a thorn in your master’s side so now you and your fellows have been commanded to destroy all those within its hallowed walls.

At night, you and your fellow Death Eaters will confer to decide on a target to pick off while the students are sleeping. After reaching a decision, your leader, Lord Voldemort, will PM me with the name of the target who will be attacked that night. Of course, should Lord Voldemort prove to be a “Leprechaun’s taint” you and the rest of the Death Eaters may PM me to elect a new leader who, hopefully, will be in a better position to lead. Don’t worry, your night kill will still go through.

The Death Eaters are: the Lexx, Melon, mastadi, Ghandi1988, Gormenghast, Ae Sakura, [.darkie], Blue Kirby, Kira
Lord Voldemort is: aamto


aamto, you are Lord Voldemort.
You lead the Death Eaters.

It is time to kill. It is time for blood. It is time for revenge.

You managed to get into Hogwarts, disguised as Students, kept company by nine vicious friends called the Death Eaters. Each night, one of you will crawl through the castle and murder one of those who will oppose you. Your goal is to eliminate all but your own group. PM me the name of the one you want to kill after taking the advice of the masked murderers into account. If you die, one of the other Death Eaters will take over your role.

The Death Eaters are: the Lexx, Melon, mastadi, Ghandi1988, Gormenghast, Ae Sakura, [.darkie], Blue Kirby
Peter Pettigrew is: Kira


Kira, you are Peter Pettigrew.
You are allied with the Death Eaters.

You sold your best friends to Voldemort to keep yourself alive, and now you are nothing more than a servant to the dark side, miserable and disposable. Your only use is your slimery voice and your knowledge on how to impersonate. If a person tries to investigate you, to find out your identity, they will discover you are a Student. However, you rely on those stronger than you to live. If Lord Voldemort and the Death Eaters fall, you will be found dead as well.

You serve Lord Voldemort, known as: aamto
The Death Eaters are: the Lexx, Melon, mastadi, Ghandi1988, Gormenghast, Ae Sakura, [.darkie], Blue Kirby, Kira

Note by Mekkah: Kira was never inspected, but nonetheless fit the nature of his role very well.


Pat, you are Lucius Malfoy.
Your alliance is variable.

You have not one, not two, but three faces.

You are a pure blood, loyal servant of Lord Voldemort, and wish nothing more than for the right genealogy of wizards to overwhelm this world, to control it, to eliminate all those who are not worthy of living.

You are befriended with Cornelius Fudge, having "donated" hundreds of gallons to stay on good terms and stay out of accusing court cases.

You wish to see your family survive the war unscathed, and fear for your own life as well. You know the power of Dumbledore and those allied with them.

You are unsure of who to side with, but do not worry: there is still time. You will be able to switch alliances freely until I tell you you cannot anymore. Until then, you must PM me where you will be placing your loyalties. Even if you wish for that to remain unchanged, you should PM me.

When I lock you onto a side, I will bring you in touch with the most important member on the side you have chosen. I will not tell you beforehand when I am going to lock you in.

Note by Mekkah: Pat went for the Death Eaters straight on, never changed, got locked in, didn't participate in the game at all and then got killed by the Ministry at some point.


Shiv, you are Severus Snape.
You are allied with Hogwarts.

You are one of Dumbledore's bravest men, and you have taken it upon yourself to use that toughness to protect those who are sealed deep into your heart. She is the reason you allied with him, and did not stay in Lord Voldemort's camp of Death Eaters. You happen to be a very skilled Legimens, so no one is able to figure out what part you play in the big picture.

However, if the reason for which you were fighting is lost, you turn insane. As a consequence, your alliance will switch to Death Eaters, as nothing stops you anymore. Lord Voldemort will find you when this happens, I will take care of that.
I also kept a log of every single night action.

Nocturnal Checklist

[ ] Voldemort (aamto) for a kill

[ ] Fudge (Thunderpup) for a kill
[ ] Fudge (Thunderpup) for a letter
[ ] Umbridge (GTS) for snatching y/n

[ ] Hermione (Karrot) for an inspection of a role
[ ] Pomfrey (Hipmonlee) for protection
[ ] Kingsley (Lord_Sunday) for recruition attempt letter
[ ] Arthur (Zephyrman) for inspection of a person
[ ] Filch (StrangerDanger) for snatching y/n
[ ] Hedwig (n3ther) for a person whose letter to carry

[ ] Lucius (Pat) who to side with


[x] Voldemort (aamto) for a kill: Shiv

[x] Fudge (Thunderpup) for a kill: not killing anyone
[x] Fudge (Thunderpup) for a letter: to gsumbreon (success, gsumbreon is in Ministry Unit #2)
[x] Umbridge (GTS) for snatching y/n: n

[x] Hermione (Karrot) for an inspection of a role: Neville Longbottom (no information)
[x] Pomfrey (Hipmonlee) for protection: Hipmonlee
[x] Kingsley (Lord_Sunday) for recruition attempt letter to: Ghandi1998 (failure)
[x] Arthur (Zephyrman) for inspection of a person: Obi (Percy Weasley)
[x] Filch (StrangerDanger) for snatching y/n: n
[x] Hedwig (n3ther) for a person whose letter to carry: Shiney

[x] Lucius (Pat) who to side with: Death Eaters


[x] Voldemort (aamto) for a kill: Shiney

[x] Fudge (Thunderpup) for a kill: Karrot (failure, protected)
[x] Fudge (Thunderpup) for a letter: Hipmonlee (failure)
[x] Fudge (Thunderpup) for picking a new assistant: Dak
[x] Umbridge (GTS) for snatching y/n: n

[x] Hermione (Karrot) for an inspection of a role: Rubeus Hagrid (no information)
[x] Pomfrey (Hipmonlee) for protection: Karrot
[ ] Kingsley (Lord_Sunday) for recruition attempt letter - Missed deadline
[x] Arthur (Zephyrman) for inspection of a person: Max (Ministry Worker Unit #2), this letter will be protected
[x] Filch (StrangerDanger) for snatching y/n: n
[x] Hedwig (n3ther) for a person whose letter to carry: Zephyrman

[x] Lucius (Pat) who to side with: Death Eaters (didn't change)

Nocturnal Checklist

[x] Voldemort (aamto) for a kill: Karrot

[x] Fudge (Thunderpup) for a kill: StrangerDanger
[x] Fudge (Thunderpup) for a letter: GreenPikachu (failure)
[ ] Umbridge (GTS) for snatching y/n

[x] Hermione (Karrot) for an inspection of a role: Sirius Black (no information)
[x] Pomfrey (Hipmonlee) for protecton: Hipmonlee (selfprotect)
[x] Kingsley (Lord_Sunday) for recruition attempt letter: Gormenghast (failure)
[x] Arthur (Zephyrman) for inspection of a person: gsumbreon (Ministry Worker Unit #2), this letter will be protected
[ ] Filch (StrangerDanger) for snatching y/n
[x] Hedwig (n3ther) for a person whose letter to carry: Zephyrman

[x] Lucius (Pat) who to side with: Death Eaters (didn't change)

Umbridge and Filch do not get to move because there's nothing to snatch, plus Filch is killed this night. I don't think Umbridge is going to mind.


[x] Voldemort (aamto) for a kill: leafgreen386

[x] Fudge (Thunderpup) for a kill: aamto
[x] Fudge (Thunderpup) for a letter: sanjay120 (success, sanjay120 is in Ministry Unit #1)
[x] Umbridge (GTS) for snatching y/n: n

[x] Pomfrey (Hipmonlee) for protecton: Hipmonlee (selfprotect)
[x] Kingsley (Lord_Sunday) for recruition attempt letter: Toothache (failure)
[x] Arthur (Zephyrman) for inspection of a person: Lord_Sunday (Kingsley, woohoo!)
[ ] Hedwig (n3ther) for a person whose letter to carry

[x] Lucius (Pat) who to side with: Death Eaters (didn't change)

Since Filch is dead and Umbridge is not using her ability, Hedwig carrying anything is pointless, plus his choice would be clear. Therefore, I chose not to wait for n3ther.


[x] Election of a new leader: Gormenghast
[x] Bellatrix Lestrange (Gormenghast) for a kill: cookie (Student)

[x] Fudge (Thunderpup) for a kill: GreenPikachu (Student)
[x] Fudge (Thunderpup) for a letter: Jackal (success)
[x] Umbridge (GTS) for snatching y/n: y, snatched Fudge's letter

[x] Pomfrey (Hipmonlee) for protecton: Hipmonlee (selfprotect)
[x] Kingsley (Lord_Sunday) for recruition attempt letter: Ae Sakura (failure)
[x] Arthur (Zephyrman) for inspection of a person: darkie (Death Eater)
[x] Hedwig (n3ther) for a person whose letter to carry: Zephyrman

[x] Lucius (Pat) who to side with: locked to Death Eaters


[ ] Yaxley (Blue Kirby) for a kill:

[ ] Umbridge (GTS) for a kill

[ ] Pomfrey (Hipmonlee) for protection
[ ] Kingsley (Lord_Sunday) for recruition attempt letter
[ ] Hedwig (n3ther) for a person whose letter to carry


[x] Bellatrix Lestrange (Gormenghast) for a kill: CardsoftheHeart

[x] Fudge (Thunderpup) for a kill: Zephyrman
[x] Umbridge (GTS) for snatching y/n: n

[x] Pomfrey (Hipmonlee) for protection: Hipmonlee (selfprotect)
[x] Kingsley (Lord_Sunday) for recruition attempt letter: Pidgeot79 (failure)
[x] Arthur (Zephyrman) for inspection of a person: CaptKirby
[x] Hedwig (n3ther) for a person whose letter to carry: Zephyrman


[x] Bellatrix Lestrange (Gormenghast) for a kill: Hipmonlee

[x] Rufus (Dak) for a kill: Gormenghast
[x] Umbridge (GTS) for snatching y/n: n by default: n

[x] Pomfrey (Hipmonlee) for protection: Hipmonlee (selfprotect)
[x] Kingsley (Lord_Sunday) for recruition attempt letter: Melon (failure)
[x] Hedwig (n3ther) for a person whose letter to carry: none
[x] Student goes out to find symbols: Pim


[x] Yaxley (Blue Kirby) for a kill: jc_rcw

[x] Rufus (Dak) for a kill: Ghandi
[x] Umbridge (GTS) for snatching y/n: y

[x] Pomfrey (Hipmonlee) for protection: Hipmonlee (selfprotect)
[x] Kingsley (Lord_Sunday) for recruition attempt letter: n3ther (SUCCESS WOW, letter is protected)
[x] Hedwig (n3ther) for a person whose letter to carry: Lord_Sunday


[x] Yaxley (Blue Kirby) for a kill: Jackal

[x] Rufus (Dak) for a kill: Batpig

[x] Pomfrey (Hipmonlee) for protection: Hipmonlee (selfprotect)
[x] Kingsley (Lord_Sunday) for recruition attempt letter: Hipmonlee (failure)
[x] Hedwig (n3ther) for a person whose letter to carry: Lord_Sunday


[x] Yaxley (Blue Kirby) for a kill: Dak

[x] Rufus (Dak) for a kill: Hipmonlee (failure)

[x] Pomfrey (Hipmonlee) for protection: Hipmonlee (selfprotect)
[x] Kingsley (Lord_Sunday) for recruition attempt letter: Fishin (SUCCESS O.O)
[x] Hedwig (n3ther) for a person whose letter to carry: Lord_Sunday


[x] Yaxley (Blue Kirby) for a kill: Toothache

[x] Umbridge (GTS) for a kill: Hairyama

[x] Pomfrey (Hipmonlee) for protection: Hipmonlee (selfprotect)
[x] Kingsley (Lord_Sunday) for recruition attempt letter: Kira (failure)
[x] Hedwig (n3ther) for a person whose letter to carry: Lord_Sunday


[x] Yaxley (Blue Kirby) for a kill: akuchi

[x] Umbridge (GTS) for a kill: Blue Kirby

[x] Pomfrey (Hipmonlee) for protection: Hipmonlee (selfprotect)
[x] Kingsley (Lord_Sunday) for recruition attempt letter: Kira (failure)
[ ] Hedwig (n3ther) for a person whose letter to carry


[x] Alecto Carrow (Melon) for a kill: Judgement

[x] Umbridge (GTS) for a kill: Hipmonlee

[x] Pomfrey (Hipmonlee) for protection: Hipmonlee (selfprotect)
[x] Kingsley (Lord_Sunday) for recruition attempt letter: Zenigame (failure)
[ ] Hedwig (n3ther) for a person whose letter to carry



[x] Alecto Carrow (Melon) for a kill: Lord Sunday

[x] (Kade Zonglo) for a kill: Pat


[x] Pomfrey (Hipmonlee) for protection: Hipmonlee (selfprotect)
[ ] Kingsley (Lord_Sunday) for recruition attempt letter:
[ ] Hedwig (n3ther) for a person whose letter to carry



[x] Alecto Carrow (Melon) for a kill: Mr.378

[x] (Galahad) for a kill: Hipmonlee


[x] Pomfrey (Hipmonlee) for protection: Hipmonlee (selfprotect)



[x] Alecto Carrow (Melon) for a kill: n3ther


[x] Pomfrey (Hipmonlee) for protection: Hipmonlee (selfprotect)



[x] Alecto Carrow (Melon) for a kill: Pim


[x] Pomfrey (Hipmonlee) for protection: Hipmonlee (selfprotect)



[x] Alecto Carrow (Melon) for a kill: Fishin


[x] Pomfrey (Hipmonlee) for protection: Hipmonlee (selfprotect)



[x] Alecto Carrow (Melon) for a kill: Zenigame


[x] Pomfrey (Hipmonlee) for protection: Melon
Well I think I pulled off a miracle... I took the position of Toothahce, and was able to come up with a plan to save Melon and myself. Then I was able to find and kill the remaining ministry. Also I give thanks to Tooth for creating that 2nd Inspector rumor like I suggested.. it really helped me.

Anyway Hip, you played it really well. I thought you would have caught on to me sooner.

Also I am glad you did not protect Zeni that last turn... that would have been awful for me.

Gorm- You were the best leader ever... sorry you had to die.

Melon- Thank you for listening to me when I told you who you should kill.

Mastadi/The Lexx- For being inactive, allowing me to sell you two out in order to make myself look innocent

Lord Sunday- For telling me your role, as well as the roles of Fishin and n3ther

Mekkah- Giving me a warning instead of a DQ.

I will try to think of more.
Note that the evil factions had to switch leaders countless times because their heads kept on rolling. I made up new fancy names for them which caused some confusion sometimes, but it didn't matter much as they were just the persons that had to PM me their target.
A few funny notes:

- Toothache was NEVER protected.
- Hipmonlee was targetted like 4-5 times in total.
- The Ministry had a little trouble gathering...it seems that since Tooth kept on lynching their men, they assumed there was a spy in there. As if I'd put a role in alligned with the good that would know all Ministry. Sillies.
- The letter-sending roles were Kingsley (to another order member), Fudge (to another Ministry) and Arthur (to Fred and George). Umbridge and Filch could snatch them, and Hedwig would protect them from being snatched.
Oh Kira was a mole.

Once we got to 2 DE I wanted to post "it would be pretty funny if Kira was one of them" but I didn't want to make myself suspicious. Turns out it would have been smart to do that.

Anyway I really enjoyed this game. Thanks Mekkah/TheBM for making it and good game everyone else. I'm glad I lived until the end although I started being stupid towards the end.

Also I thought the post in the other thread was saying that Hip protected me but then I read the rest and was disappointed. I was so excited too I thought he was trying to help me. :(

damn kira I fucking knew it
gg everyone, good work kira!
except dak damn you dak
Thanks gorm... I really never thought I would be of so much use. Too bad nobody will trust me next mafia game. :(

Porygon3: Yeah that would have been funny in a way. I probably could have just turned it against you like you said, but who knows.
heh i set a trap on irc to sacrifice myself and gorm fell for the bait and lynched a villager :)

funny how the first time i don't get a cool role the game finishes :X


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Well, I dont think it was a matter of catching on. I mean I was always suspicious of you, but I never had anything to catch on to. There were a lot of reasons I went with you though. It never occoured to me that there was no second inspector, and with how ridiculous your behaviour had been early on, there was just no way I could believe you could have been not inspected. Then add to that the fact that you must have been in contact with toothache.

I dunno if you did this intentionally, but every time I tried to protect anyone other than myself you would go on at length about me being bpv which made me have to protect myself, since I doubt anyone at all believed it by the end.. Also the fact that you posted that I was BPV in the first place really limited my options. I was really spewing when I saw you do that..

I let things get to late, but I also trusted Melon anyway. Mostly because you kept telling me he was a student and he was telling me he wasnt. So I figured you weren't working together..

Have a nice day.
[x] Yaxley (Blue Kirby) for a kill: Dak

[x] Rufus (Dak) for a kill: Hipmonlee (failure)

if that night didnt happen we would have won ! ! !

hip being targeted 3 times by us ministry workers was kinda my fault actually, i targeted him at first, and then died the same night without telling anybody who i targeted. gts didnt know that and killed hip again, the next leader forgot about gts killing hip and killed him yet again

ministry actually didnt have that much trouble gathering, i got all the names by night 2 lol
i was basically leading the mafia since day 2, when thunderpup found me. i was giving him instructions and i was the one communicating with the potential ministry members, but i didnt reveal much information until i was 100% sure there wasnt a spy
i didnt believe ck was not some sort of mason or something until he died lol

awesome game mekkah and evan!
Well I was in constant contact with Tooth, and his tidbit of info about letting me know your role was crucial. I did have to sell out 3 DE's to get it but I guess it all worked out.

Anyway I was too eager to get inspected. I am really glad you did not realize that I had a fool inspection type role... Tooth thought of that, but still trusted me enough to tell me your role.

I did get the feeling that you didn't 100% trust me, but I knew that you had nothing on me that could convince people I was DE.

Also the win was somewhat luck... if Melon had been targeted when GTS, and Kade were alive then I would have been autokilled.

Sorry for posting you were BPV... It turns out it was good since it allowed Melon to get Fishin and n3ther, but that wasn't my intent.

Also, in order to gain Tooth's trust I had to convince gorm to target Hipmonlee on a night he would self-protect.... that sealed the deal with Tooth I think.


is a Past WCoP Champion
Hah. Kira played a very good game, but I cannot figure out why no one ever suspected him!

It should be noted that Toothache had quite a large group of students recruited by Day 1, including me.

Anyways, here's my Hermione research list that was halted because of my death. =(

Neville Longbottom (Hogwarts)
Hagrid (Hogwarts)
Sirius Black (Hogwarts)
---I died here.---
Kingsley Shacklebolt (Ministry of Magic)
Peter Pettigrew (Death Eaters)
Lucius Malfoy (Death Eaters)
Dobby the House Elf (Hogwarts)
Draco Malfoy (Death Eaters)
Vincent Crabbe (Death Eaters)
Gregory Goyle (Death Eaters)
Argus Filch (Hogwarts)
Rufus Scrimgeour (Ministry of Magic)
Well Mekkah fucked up and sent a pm to both Melon AND Hip telling them to send their night roles. As a resolve Mekkah had to give Melon a fake role... something about Luna and some letter type role... much like Hedwig but slightly different.

Karrot: Nobody suspected me because I was able to make myself seem innocent.

Also I forgot this: HUGE SLOPS- PIM

Pim pm'ed me about the blazing symbol of the students which really allowed me to pass off as a student, and find GTS, and then by extension Kade and Galahad.

I am not sure what would have happened if I had not found that info.


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yeah telling you my role was dumb, I had decided I would tell toothache that day, then he died. So I just told you without really thinking it through. I regretted it almost immediately.

[edit] - lol mekkah gave him that role? No wonder.. I was all like "this is far to good to be made up"

Melon said:
Hipmonlee said:
Hi. I'm curious what role you are? I know you're not a student, and you're on our side, but I dont know what you do do!

Have a nice day.
You are Luna Lovegood.
You are allied with Hogwarts.

You are Luna Lovegood, you are highly inquisitive. As a result you are able to determine whether any letters have been snatched during the night, and who has snatched them. You may only use this power three times.

Yup, that's my role. Never managed to catch anyone with it though, which kinda sucks.

Sorry about the late reply. Got the Band of Brothers Box Set yesterday, and have been absolutely immersed in it.
[edit 2] - also what was the story behind that student symbol or whatever it was?

Have a nice day.
Damn you Dak!

Anyways Sunday loved me :):)

Kira well played, Gorm was a pleasure serving under a shexi self such as you. However looking back at my original target list alot of them were actually very important roles.

Tooth, what else could I do but lie to you :P
Well I am glad you guys never voiced your suspicions... I thought for sure the selling out Mastadi and the 9 million failed inspections would have given it away. Then Galahad posted and he got it exactly right... I thought you guys might have listened to him, especially you Pory since you were already suspicious of me.
blazing symbol indicated wheter the person was recruiteable by kingsley, only 3 students had it

it was pure luck that kira got a student with symbol, it was the only one left.

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