The Dark Knight Rises (spoilers itt)


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Did it live up to the hype?
IMO yes.

I don't think anyone could top Heath Ledger's performance and anybody expecting the next movie to top that was kind delusional, but Tom Hardy and Anne Hathaway did a great job in their respective roles as Bane and Catwoman. The story was pretty good, and the slow parts were done well enough to the point to where it didn't feel like the movie was dragging anywhere. The fight scenes were also pretty fantastic. The ending was kinda disappointing though.

However, it was still a great movie. Much better than the first movie with Scarecrow, but not as good as the second.


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I feel as though this wasn't nearly as strong as the second film. Bane didn't seem particularly engaging as a villain, instead seeming like someone who just moved the plot along rather than being any way memorable. Anne Hathaway was a pretty good choice for Catwoman, but it seemed like every single line she had was snark or a one-liner. Between that and the ending, it really seemed like this movie was starting to tread into West Batman territory.

I feel like Wayne not actually dying cheapens the trilogy somewhat. Having him outrun a fusion bomb with a 6 mile blast radius in less than 5 seconds really interfered with the suspension of disbelief I had going. Personally, I would have ended the movie without the scene with Alfred seeing Wayne and Kyle in the cafe, but kept the other two sequences (of Gordon and Drake) in. Having Drake pick up the mask would have been my final shot.
In regards to the blast radius, if you recall towards the end, Lucius Fox finds out that Bruce Wayne had installed the auto-pilot so he more than likely ditched the Bat well in advance of the explosion.

You're right, I am. :D OK, sorry...

Anyways, it was nearly impossible to live up to the previous Batman film. To go from the Joker to the somewhat uninspiring, we-are-the-99-percent-sorta Bane was going to be a little disappointing.

Having said that, I liked the film a lot. Bane's pit was cool, his voice was eerie, all Batman's new toys were nice, Catwoman was decent, Bane's occupation of Gotham was well-done. For something that was almost three hours, it didn't feel it.

But what happened to Bane? Batman doesn't kill him, and the film doesn't show him being detained at the end with the rest of his crew. Guess he just slipped away?

And the other thing that bothered me was Wayne's going broke... The stock exchange is attacked by terrorists. The fingerprints of Wayne, who has barely left his property in eight years, are used to execute and verify a massive and highly risky trade at the same time as the attack... I guess I have very little idea how the stock exchange works, but I feel like someone would say, "Hey, that probably wasn't a legit transaction."

The midnight experience was great, though. Saw lots of people dressed up, and there was that communal vibe in the air so that everyone was friends. A good time!
Bane got blasted by the cannon on the Bat-Cycle. That thing took out an entire section of the car wall. I don't know that he could live through that.

By the way, I thought it was a cool nod that they put Jonathan Crane as the judge once Bane took over. Just one more thing to tie the trilogy together.
What a gigantic disappointment to the end of a trilogy that took a dump over the very concept of Bruce Wayne and Batman.
Anyways, as I slowly let the movie sink in I really hate how much of an obvious cash in the ending was. Nolan did say this was the end of the Batman trilogy, but it's so blatant they want to do something related to Robin.

I also hate how they said his name was Robin. I would've liked them to say Dick Grayson, so that would open up more options for them with Nightwing and all. Oh well. That entire setup really killed my enthusiasm for Batman's sendoff. I suppose it's a nice "passing of the torch" reference, but oh well.
What I have gotten from this thread: No one on Smogon reads Batman comics or at the very least does not pick up the monthlies.

Anyway, it was great. Best Batman trilogy you could have hoped for and I'm glad it was more Denny O'Neil & Chuck Dixon than Loeb & Miller like TDK.
What I have gotten from this thread: No one on Smogon reads Batman comics or at the very least does not pick up the monthlies.
this. when they first announced bane as the "villain" and one or two of my friends said they'd never heard of him, i got sad inside

anyway, i loved this movie so much, even the ending. i started thinking about half way through that he would end up as robin and got really giddy when that woman said he should just use his real name.

i think the whole series was tied together really well and i loved bane more than i thought i would. it was especially exciting to see scarecrow again, even if a few of my friends didn't realize it was him. scarecrow is my favorite villain though...

very worth the midnight release

i wouldn't mind a set of robin movies but it would really have to be about dick grayson's transition into nightwing, and this is not dick grayson sadly.


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Dunno about anybody else, but I found it funny that the solution to the overarching plot was rather typical of Adam West Batman. Got a bomb? THROW IT IN THE BAY

Batman still hates fish.
People didn't like Bane? He was cruel as hell and one of the most terrifying villians I've ever seen. Seeing him beat the shit out of Batman was INSANE.
I didn't like how quickly he died and was forgotten after all that buildup as this invincible super alpha male

overall, still a movie I enjoyed very much and an apropos ending to the batman trilogy. it inspires me to be a better person
I didn't like how quickly he died and was forgotten after all that buildup as this invincible super alpha male

overall, still a movie I enjoyed very much and an apropos ending to the batman trilogy. it inspires me to be a better person
That's definitely a valid complaint. I can agree with that.

IMDB offers this reasoning though:

" This was a perfect way to highlight one of Batman's weaknesses: that he doesn't use guns. Batman failed (yet again) to defeat Bane, and Selina shows up and breaks Batman's one rule, showing how much easier it would be if Batman lived without that rule. This shows that Batman knows how easy it would be to defeat his enemies this way, but he still chooses to take the hard path, so he will never have to stoop to their level."


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The one thing that bothers me is that nobody seems concerned that a fucking nuke went off over the water. Surely that would cause an environmental disaster on an incredible scale, similar to the BP oil spill, not to mention the fact that there's bound to be some sort of fallout, if not in Gotham then at least in the neighboring areas.

Ah, who am I kidding. The radiation was probably contained by the solemn, soothing voice of Morgan Freeman.
What a gigantic disappointment to the end of a trilogy that took a dump over the very concept of Bruce Wayne and Batman.
100% agree


Simply put, Bruce Wayne and Batman, to me, were men of logic... calculated. I didn't really pick-up on that vibe in the movie. Both character models were driven more by emotion than cold calculated steps. The biggest example of this was when Catwoman deceived Batman and 'led him to Bane'. Bane began rambling on about something and Batman quickly took a few swings at Bane with no real incentive (that I can recall) at that point in time. Then there is the fact that Batman is a reactive/ preventative character...
Well to answer half of your post.. I believe that the whole speech about the knife was paying homage to the joker.
Well to answer half of your post.. I believe that the whole speech about the knife was paying homage to the joker.
.....what does that have to do with the merit of this movie and how does that explain in any way how the trilogy "shit on Batman"?
That's definitely a valid complaint. I can agree with that.

IMDB offers this reasoning though:

" This was a perfect way to highlight one of Batman's weaknesses: that he doesn't use guns. Batman failed (yet again) to defeat Bane, and Selina shows up and breaks Batman's one rule, showing how much easier it would be if Batman lived without that rule. This shows that Batman knows how easy it would be to defeat his enemies this way, but he still chooses to take the hard path, so he will never have to stoop to their level."

But Bane never used guns, at least not against batman. He was a hardened badass who was at a much higher level than your average crook. In the movie, he is brought up in the fires of hardship, forged into something easily at the same level as Batman, though of opposite parity (i.e. evil versus good). if Wayne was killed with a gun by a thief on a motorcycle, everybody would be outraged. Bane deserves the same treatment. His is not a level to which Batman would "stoop" by using guns. I get that they wanted to get the guns message across, but it seems a big waste of one of the coolest villains in the Batman franchise.
.....what does that have to do with the merit of this movie and how does that explain in any way how the trilogy "shit on Batman"?

Scarecrow showing up was awesome... wonder what role Joker could have had if not for Ledger's untimely passing.

Well to answer half of your post.. I believe that the whole speech about the knife was paying homage to the joker.
technically nothing.
So fucking good, didn't manage to see it in IMAX but at the midnight screening instead. In my opinion, TDK > TDKR > Batman Begins, but I really liked this last one and I feel the trilogy has been satisfactorily concluded. Bane was really interesting -- Nolan said he wanted a villain who used "florid language but had the physicality of a gorilla" -- it was great as usually heroes dispatch mooks with a series of well-placed jabs and quick kicks and seeing the indomitable batman falling to tom hardy's rock hard abs was excellent and cinematically satisfying as hell. I read knightfall and was originally disappointed that the fight didn't happen in the batcave and that the "...BREAK YOU!" moment wasn't more dramatic (I remember thinking during that moment "Oh well, this is what I came for and now I don't care about the rest of the movie) but I was pretty obviously wrong. I too was dissapointed by how easily Batman defeated Bane in their second fight -- it was just such a beatdown the first time around, even if bruce wayne trained for three months in prison, he still broke his back and Bane is still bigger and stronger. At the very least - I would have liked to have felt like there was an element of chance involved in the beatdown of Bane, not just the invisible hand of plot (although the few moments where he was fumbling at his mask and the flurry of punches directed at a column a few seconds later were awesome). The big reveal
that Tate was Talia Al Ghul all along really shocked me -- my friend and I both had physical "mindfucked" moments of shock and kind of flailed around in our seats -- and I absolutely did not see it coming, and I summarily got pissed at guys coming out of the theater, casually confiding to their friends that "I didn't KNOW she was the villain, but I, like, knew something was up with her."
Honestly, I thought the opening was kind of slow and ponderous but I thought the ending was great and by the film wrapped up I thought Anne Hathaway did an excellent job -- it's very rare to see a character that didn't feel like a traditional Action Girl nor a Hero's Love Interest nor a Strong Female Character (tm). Even though she's a jewel thief who wears cat ears, Selina Kyle felt well-rounded. While I'm complaining about a movie I loved, I will say that the "worst hell" struck me as a little stupid. Seriously, two people have escaped the worst, most inescapable prison ever? One who literally broke his back? I understand that the hope of freedom made life in imprisonment truly unbearable, but I felt that, at the very least, there should be snakes or something. I also wondered why Bane wasn't in unimaginable pain right after his face was bandaged up (in the worst hell flashback) as it seems that was the entire reason for his having the gas mask. Like everyone else, I loved the Jonathan Crane reappearance.

Just a really great movie in general, even if you didn't like it as much as TDK. Chris Nolan's movies feel important and realistic (even though the characters are larger-than-life, they feel that way comfortably, if that makes any sense). I really admire a director who has an subtle and distinct aesthetic sensibility (his movies all feel the same way or similarly) and yet doesn't shove it down the watcher's throats. On a completely different level from The Amazing Spider-Man (a travesty and an insult to the original spider-man imo) and even from the Avengers. Really excited to see what Nolan does next with all his directorial freedom.
People that think this movie took a shit on the concept of Batman and/or Bruce Wayne: How, exactly?

By Bruce getting his back broken? Happened in Knightfall years ago. By having an heir and getting someone else to be Batman? Obviously you've never heard of Dick Grayson, Terry McGinnis, Damian Wayne, or Jean-Paul Valley. Gotham going to shit? Happened in No Man's Land. I mean, seriously. You have no argument.
Spent 30 bucks to go see The Dark Knight trilogy in IMAX. Arrived at the theater at about 6 and it didnt finish until 3 in the morning. My initial feeling after Rises ended was that it was the best of the 3. This may change after I watch it a few more times and time passes. Bane was fucking awesome. I dont know why people didnt like him as much. Anne Hathaway stole the show, which was nice to see considering how much stupid backlash she got when she was cast. I enjoyed the slow build-up and the film's conclusion just blew me away.

On a completely different level from The Amazing Spider-Man (a travesty and an insult to the original spider-man imo) and even from the Avengers. Really excited to see what Nolan does next with all his directorial freedom.
Going off topic but the first Spider-Man film in 2002 was fucking awful as was the rest of the trilogy. Why do you think they rebooted it? The Amazing Spider-Man was great and its more true to the comics and how Spider-Man should be portrayed.
Spent 30 bucks to go see The Dark Knight trilogy in IMAX. Arrived at the theater at about 6 and it didnt finish until 3 in the morning. My initial feeling after Rises ended was that it was the best of the 3. This may change after I watch it a few more times and time passes. Bane was fucking awesome. I dont know why people didnt like him as much. Anne Hathaway stole the show, which was nice to see considering how much stupid backlash she got when she was cast. I enjoyed the slow build-up and the film's conclusion just blew me away.

Goingoff topic but the first Spider-Man film in 2002 was fucking awful as was the rest of the trilogy. Why do you think they rebooted it? The Amazing Spider-Man was great and its more true to the comics and how Spider-Man should be potrayed.
lmfao they rebooted it so they could make more money. it has absolutely nothing to do with how good or bad the trilogy was. In fact, 99.9% chance Batman gets rebooted. Does that mean this trilogy sucked?


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People that think this movie took a shit on the concept of Batman and/or Bruce Wayne: How, exactly?

By Bruce getting his back broken? Happened in Knightfall years ago. By having an heir and getting someone else to be Batman? Obviously you've never heard of Dick Grayson, Terry McGinnis, Damian Wayne, or Jean-Paul Valley. Gotham going to shit? Happened in No Man's Land. I mean, seriously. You have no argument.
We do not speak the name of Jean-Paul.

EDIT: lol Terry is such a player

Regardless enjoyed the movie, I thought Bane was done excellently, died too poorly, and I was correct when I thought Hathaway wouldn't do a very good job as Cat Woman.

The last most will probably receive the most yelling from you guys but the only scene which she did really well was when she was stealing from Bruce. Otherwise it was just, "let me talk slowly and sensually and then kick some people."

Regardless liked the movie aside from the ending, very Occupy Wall Street.
.....what does that have to do with the merit of this movie and how does that explain in any way how the trilogy "shit on Batman"?
He was replying to the other question.

Can you guys explain your reasoning
People that think this movie took a shit on the concept of Batman and/or Bruce Wayne: How, exactly?

By Bruce getting his back broken? Happened in Knightfall years ago. By having an heir and getting someone else to be Batman? Obviously you've never heard of Dick Grayson, Terry McGinnis, Damian Wayne, or Jean-Paul Valley. Gotham going to shit? Happened in No Man's Land. I mean, seriously. You have no argument.
No, it wasn't his back getting broken as I've known about that for years. And no it wasn't about Gotham going to shit either and no it isn't even about there being an heir either.

Batman would (and should) never willingly give up being Batman.

The only reason you had Dick and Damian and Azrael stepping up is because Batman was either paralyzed or kinda traveling through time at the moment. Terry only became Batman when Bruce Wayne became too old and even then, Bruce Wayne still played a large part acting as a leader for Terry, living vicariously through him to be Batman.

Batman faking his own fucking death to go live in Italy with Catwoman? Totally fucking stupid as Batman would never give up the mantle willingly. The movie was ruined the exact moment that Alfred saw Bruce and Selina in Italy.


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Actually Terry only became Batman because Batman pulled a gun on a robber, breaking his rule.

After that he hung-up his mantle



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