Gen VII: Pokémon Sun and Moon (New info Post #5834)

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Junichi Masuda likes this!!
Yikes! I just woke up and I have a lesson soon, but we have this new vid?

I love the trainer poses! They look really cool.

The video had a lot of story in it.
The boy said he loves Pokemon.
*loses battle*. "I lost"
"So I've decided, I'll become stronger!"
"I'll use Pokemon"
and so on.

Riding!! Maybe the leak is at least partially true about riding. Maybe we can ride a heck lot of Pokemon in this game.
But man, I wouldn't imagine we'd be able to ride humanoids like Gardevoir. Otherwise the whole internet will be crazy, right?


Ranting & Raving!
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Bulbapedia has reported with translations of the new menu:

1. The bottom left icon is called "Trainer Pass", so it seems to maybe just be the Name/Trainer card. I wonder if maybe they combined the Options with "Save"?
2. The bottom right icon is called "Poke Refre", assumingly a shortening of "Pokemon Refresh". Was hoping for a more Hawaii-themed name, I mean Pokemon-Amie was brilliant but is very French. Like maybe work off the word "Ohana". Poke-hana?


is a Community Contributor Alumnus
Removing Megas would be a really shitty and stupid move from a PR standpoint. They were hyped to hell as a revolutionary addition that defined Gen VI and most people love it, so their removal would just generate huge backlash.
Maybe gems are returning in Alola? Hawaii is part of the US, after all.

So they're little diamonds that fit in your bracelet and power up moves.

I think it's more likely something to do with the 'secret' the starters and Rockruff hold.

So, I'm looking forward to the Rock-type super move. :D
Removing Megas would be a really shitty and stupid move from a PR standpoint. They were hyped to hell as a revolutionary addition that defined Gen VI and most people love it, so their removal would just generate huge backlash.
This combined with the large amount of merchandise made would backfire dramatically. I mean, people are constantly speculating at future Megas, for Pete's sake!


is an Artist
These super moves remind me of the similar things added in the new monster hunter games. Very flashy, powerful attacks that you do once every while as you fill a gauge.
I wonder if they all just do straight damage or if they have different effects depending on the type they are.
I said this about Zygarde 100 & this still applies for Megas. The Pokemon Company does not market something like that to consumers, succeeds in a huge way, & remove/not do something with it.

Charizard, Mewtwo, Venusaur, & Blastoise lines are still the most recognizable & popular Pokemon next to Pikachu. They won't remove something that enhanced those characters.

This 5th move thing is probably limited to a select few Pokemon too. This may be their way of boosting Pikachu.
I'd like to show something, remember the fake video with the gems because the 2 was a reverse 5 and the font was not the same :
But look at this ->

Maybe it was a mock-up of the real system, but in the end it seems that the system is legit.
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ooh baby new mons already! Gamefreak really making up for the huge lack of information throughout pretty much the entirety of 2015.

This mon was a rollercoaster of emotions for me. I thought this thing was absolutely hideous until I saw the fan-art. I then thought it was adorable. After that, I learnt it was 2.1M TALL. Now I'm back to thinking it looks absolutely hideous. Nothing can be that big and have that design without looking goofy af. If they just halved its height it would be a great design.

I absolutely adore this pokemon. I really like the design and backstory of it. Poor thing just wants to be loved :(. Has a great balance of cuteness and menace which I really like. Ghost/Fairy is also an amazing offensive and defensive typing so i'm hoping gamefreak blesses it with some nice stats.

Other than that, the locations shown in the trailer look phenomenal. I'm getting more hyped for this game by the minute.


Robot from the Future
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Orange Islands
Cool new trailer showing little tidbits here and there. Not a huge amount of new info, but lots to discuss.

However, I have not seen anyone mention the stylized icons for typings shown at the end.

I'm not sure we have ever seen such insignia's on types before apart from in the TCG? Could all the typings have these special symbols? I wonder what they mean because it can't be related to a Synchro evolution with first stage starters? Maybe there is a new form of bond mechanic or something like that?

In other news: I am reasonably happy about what looks like the sheer number of older Pokemon coming back. Lillipup is shown as well as Ledyba again, Sharpedo, Lapras, Tauros, Butterfree, Fletchling, Eevee, Poliwag, Miltank, Kangaskhan, Pancham are all there with probably a lot more.
Cool new trailer showing little tidbits here and there. Not a huge amount of new info, but lots to discuss.

However, I have not seen anyone mention the stylized icons for typings shown at the end.

I'm not sure we have ever seen such insignia's on types before apart from in the TCG? Could all the typings have these special symbols? I wonder what they mean because it can't be related to a Synchro evolution with first stage starters? Maybe there is a new form of bond mechanic or something like that?
Did you see the three attacks after you see the starters ? The "beam" in the flower field on Lillipup, The huge fireball and The "waterball" that turns into a siphon (or even the move from Pikachu) ? It's just to show the "gem" you use and the type of the big attack incoming, imo.
But the most interesting thing is : Can dual-type use their "super move" from the two types or only from their primary ?
And the most troubling is : Are those moves Physical or Special ? If they take the higher stat, what will happen to Mixed Pokemon ?
Really, really happy that we got (as I thought and hoped) a system of "buffed signature moves" instead of new buffed temporary evo in competition with Megas. I've never been a fan of the Ash-Greninja concept, so if it'll be a standalone for the anime I'll be happier. We surely can't exclude it yet, but seeing the mechanics working on base/NFE 'mons makes it much less likely and an unnecessarily complicated addition. This imho makes even less likely the already unlikely disappearance of Megas, as there's no actual competition to them (they're also a fan favorite, other people before me already said why'd be stupid to remove them). Still a bit bugged by the absence of new Megas atm, but I guess that's reasonable as they're no more something entirely new as they were in 6th gen. Now, back to the "super moves", I'm really curious to see how they'll work. Hope they'll be useful (not a gimmick like combo moves in 5th gen), more accessible than Megas (and less OP than some of them). I wouldn't mind them even being compatible with Megas, depending on which one (for the most underrated ones it'd be good). However, if powerful enough, they'll need some restrictions, we'll see how.
For the riding 'mons, I'm still pretty sure that the leak wasn't right about being able to ride "most of the pokémons", but I see it possible to ride mostly any robust, quadrupede (on land) 'mon. The saddle-thing, new riding outfits and new riding animations all look cool, glad we're seeing a comeback of different speed on different 'mons (faster Sharpedo in water, faster Tauros on land.... If we can't fish on Sharpedo, I'm curious what restrictions we'll have on Tauros). Now I'm just waiting/hoping for a comeback of Soaring, expanded with new mons!
If anything, the trailer has made me think that the diamond is an enhancement of the mega bracelet rather than a different bracelet entirely. It was the diamond that was throwing us all off when we originally saw the artwork; now we've seen how it works I get the feeling that it's an additional function. I share the opinion of others that Gamefreak won't throw away a huge mechanic given their track record.
Competitive desires aside, that's a pretty bold statement don'tcha think? Gamefreak, for all their faults, has rarely ever cut any introduced content. They add and add and add, but have never truly taken something away before in the span of a game generation. The only thing cut from a main series game I can think of are the elemental gems (besides the strangely kept normal gem).
The other gems are still in the code, and had been nerfed, so it's possible that they may have been intended as Global Link prizes.
DHR-107 it is worth noting that the water symbol looks like a previoua gen's water badge, but that is probably a coincidence since the others do not.
Incidentally: I really hope that these super attacks aren't allowed in online play, since if your character goes through an animation each time it would eat up a lot of timer to do... Making timer stall in competitive play a lot easier.
tell that to the primals
That's roughly the same amount of time as a mega transformation though? I guess it would depend on if it is a once per battle attack, but between the Posing and actual attack animation, i think it would wind up about twice the length of time as a primal/mega transformation. Maybe. (and they could remove that bit for multiplayer battles...)
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