Recent content by Cereal_no_milk

  1. Online as old cereal, chall when ready

    Online as old cereal, chall when ready
  2. That works for me

    That works for me
  3. Yeah, will Saturday at 5pm your time work, or did you have a different time in mind? I'm mostly...

    Yeah, will Saturday at 5pm your time work, or did you have a different time in mind? I'm mostly free this weekend
  4. When did you want to play for OM cup quarterfinals? I'm GMT-5

    When did you want to play for OM cup quarterfinals? I'm GMT-5
  5. Side Sword and Shield Monotype OM Cup Round Robin Stage 1

    Calling act on Azelea. The entire pool is in a group conversation for scheduling purposes and azelea has made no attempts to schedule with anybody.
  6. Any way we can play for OM Cup? GMT -5

    Any way we can play for OM Cup? GMT -5
  7. Cereals before milk or milk before cereals?

    Imagine actually needing milk for your cereal. Milk is a conspiracy by the milk company in order for you to buy more milk. Eat your cereal dry like a man (or woman) to really stick it to Big Milk.
  8. When do you want to play for OM cup?

    When do you want to play for OM cup?
  9. Side Sword and Shield Monotype OM Cup Round Robin Stage 1 won vs ransei ggs
  10. Side Sword and Shield Monotype OM Cup Round Robin Stage 1 Won vs Fraolain ggs. Sorry for bolt beak misses