Recent content by chocoloco

  1. CAP 11 CAP 11 - Part 1 - Concept Poll 1

    QuickStaller Perfect Mate
  2. CAP 11 CAP 11 - Concept Submissions

    well, I just really wanted to voice my opinion on which concepts I feel could work and which I'm against, as of now I'll post the ones I support (to keep the chakras positive around her @.@), but if you guys'd let me, I wouldn't mind voicing my opinions on the ones I feel are… 'not as...
  3. CAP 11 CAP 11 - Concept Submissions

    are we allowed to comment our opinions about other people's concepts? or should we wait until later to do this… (or do we not have a say? o_o) sorry, I'm just sorta new in CAP :\ (been lurking for a while, but never active)
  4. CAP 11 CAP 11 - Concept Submissions

    Chocolatey CAP Concept Here we go… Name: Defensive Weather Abuser General Description: A Pokémon who abuses weather condition(s), in order to gain a defensive advantage, rather than the ability to sweep. Justification: I've noticed that in the current metagame, most weather abusers...
  5. Finals The World Cup of Pokemon IV - Finals! [Won by Oceania]

    oh wow, that's awesome, congrats EW! i completely forgot about it :S... does anyone have a log??? >3>
  6. Finals The World Cup of Pokemon IV - Finals! [Won by Oceania]

    wow, first australia owns the asians in football (soccer), and now this... makes me feel left out :( anyways, GL to you both, and does anyone have the log to EW's last battle?
  7. Finals The World Cup of Pokemon IV - Finals! [Won by Oceania]

    does anyone have the log of EW vs DB? i missed it :S