Recent content by cusalgado33

  1. cusalgado33

    Hello. Thanks. I like posts as a way of tagging what i’ve read. Someday i may join it.

    Hello. Thanks. I like posts as a way of tagging what i’ve read. Someday i may join it.
  2. cusalgado33

    If Sonic was a pokemon, what stats would you give it?

    What about its Mega form?
  3. cusalgado33

    AI Generating Pokemon

  4. cusalgado33

    Resource GSC Simple Question, Simple Answer Thread

    Will NC 2000 + Crystal Moves be a format that all players can play? Seems pretty competitive.
  5. cusalgado33

    You’ll NEVER Believe These Weird Facts About Pokemon

    Where is Pokemon fact #5?
  6. cusalgado33

    Albatros's Food Review Thread (Bird reviews Food) (SFW)

    Review brazilian pizzas, please
  7. cusalgado33

    itt post a song and i will rate it

    Love the opening solo
  8. cusalgado33

    Rating your pickup lines

    *unexpectedly grabs girl’s hand* - I just farted. Let’s get out of here.
  9. cusalgado33

    pain scale

    Whenever i remember her, it’s a solid 7.
  10. cusalgado33

    Explain a movie based on its title

    West side story - tells you stories; none of those stories happen in the east side