Recent content by CvdK

  1. Metagame NP: Stage 10 - I Must Apologise (post #76 NU Survey)

    Just wanted to talk about :leafeon: With chlorophyl you outspeed everything in the speed tier except +2 :Oricorio:, :Floatzel: and :Minior: which I have never seen in-game. You can actually drop its speed 4 points while still outspending :Venusaur:. This Pokemon has a pretty insane 110 attack...
  2. SP Shared Power

    Can we pls ban harvest/leppa or unban more offensive stuff, this set has been complained about before but I just wanted to share how insane high later gameplay is rn. istg like 20% of my games end in a tie and the saddest thing is that this is probably the strongest comp in the meta so why...
  3. SP Shared Power

    Got rank 1 just now with this team. Here are my thoughts on the meta game rn: Something has to be done about dragonite asap it's by far the most broken thing in the meta basically 0 counters. Idk if E-speed is broken enough on other mons for it to be banned. the only thing I've seen it on is...
  4. SP Shared Power

    Am I crazy or does galvanise straight up not work? none of my Pokemon's normal moves turn electric.
  5. Metagame Metagame Discussion Thread

    In defence of sun I've been playing nothing but sun for a few months now and I think it's a lot better than most people think. I have never played a truly unwinable matchup and unless I get really unlucky, I know where I misplayed when I lose games. Almost every counter to sun is very manageable...
  6. Official LC - Magby Suspect

    Magby: Do Not Ban
  7. Metagame Magby Suspect Alt Identification Thread

    confirming as MAGLC cvdk please ban light clay
  8. The LC Open XI - Round 1-B

    won gg
  9. ohh that sucks hope you'll get better!

    ohh that sucks hope you'll get better!
  10. Hey im in +1 GMT. I would prefer Saturday because I have a lot of exams this week lol. What...

    Hey im in +1 GMT. I would prefer Saturday because I have a lot of exams this week lol. What about Saturday 6pm for you 11pm for me?