Recent content by Ernesloru

  1. Ernesloru

    idk if i can make at that time, but later for sure, im gmt+2 too

    idk if i can make at that time, but later for sure, im gmt+2 too
  2. Ernesloru


  3. Ernesloru

    GSC Cup IV - Round 2

    didnt get answer and im out so calling activity
  4. Ernesloru

    yep, already challenged you

    yep, already challenged you
  5. Ernesloru

    ok 3pm your time ill be on as Ernes on main

    ok 3pm your time ill be on as Ernes on main
  6. Ernesloru

    can you play around st time?

    can you play around st time?
  7. Ernesloru

    st time?

    st time?
  8. Ernesloru

    ye i can play now

    ye i can play now
  9. Ernesloru

    BW Cup IV - Round 3

    won, ggs
  10. Ernesloru

    srry couldnt make it, im online now if you can but tomorrow im free until night my time

    srry couldnt make it, im online now if you can but tomorrow im free until night my time
  11. Ernesloru

    saturday everyday except night and friday at night

    saturday everyday except night and friday at night
  12. Ernesloru

    can u play now?? i can play on sunday or friday night my time

    can u play now?? i can play on sunday or friday night my time
  13. Ernesloru

    saturday is fine

    saturday is fine
  14. Ernesloru

    ye weekend is fine

    ye weekend is fine