Recent content by Failbor

  1. Failbor


  2. Failbor

    Okay, works.

    Okay, works.
  3. Failbor

    Ah okay saturday at 3:30pm gmt+2, works for me

    Ah okay saturday at 3:30pm gmt+2, works for me
  4. Failbor

    Tournament Limit Break Series II: Round 6 | BW LC (Losers Only)

    Calling act, my opponent didn't turn up at scheduled time.
  5. Failbor

    I cant wait more

    I cant wait more
  6. Failbor

    I'm online my nickname is Failbor21

    I'm online my nickname is Failbor21
  7. Failbor

    Sorry this saturday I cant play before 11am my time. But on sunday I can play at 9am my time.

    Sorry this saturday I cant play before 11am my time. But on sunday I can play at 9am my time.
  8. Failbor

    Works, see you then

    Works, see you then
  9. Failbor

    I'm gmt+2, I'll free friday and sunday between 11am to 10pm.

    I'm gmt+2, I'll free friday and sunday between 11am to 10pm.
  10. Failbor

    On Saturday I can play after 11am gmt+2.

    On Saturday I can play after 11am gmt+2.
  11. Failbor

    Ya estoy online, mi nickname es failbor21

    Ya estoy online, mi nickname es failbor21
  12. Failbor

    Tournament Rands Slam IV - Battle Factory Open - Round 1

    Calling act, my opponent didn't turn up at scheduled time.
  13. Failbor

    I cant wait more

    I cant wait more
  14. Failbor

    I can wait 20 minutes more

    I can wait 20 minutes more