Recent content by Flesh177

  1. I responded to you, I can play now, sorry for all the trouble

    I responded to you, I can play now, sorry for all the trouble
  2. yeah ready, you can challenge Flesh177

    yeah ready, you can challenge Flesh177
  3. Should be available the entire day, lets settle maybe 3pm?

    Should be available the entire day, lets settle maybe 3pm?
  4. I'm available now, if you can't play we have to play Sunday probably

    I'm available now, if you can't play we have to play Sunday probably
  5. oh actually, I dont have my teams on the pc I'm at right now, cause I'm not at home tonight but...

    oh actually, I dont have my teams on the pc I'm at right now, cause I'm not at home tonight but with my family idk if I can play today then :(
  6. we can play now, Challenge Flesh177, my opponent is not there yet

    we can play now, Challenge Flesh177, my opponent is not there yet
  7. Hey, you are there? You can challenge Flesh177 and baton pass is banned

    Hey, you are there? You can challenge Flesh177 and baton pass is banned
  8. ehm... I have a match assigned right now, I could right you afterwards? but I'm also available...

    ehm... I have a match assigned right now, I could right you afterwards? but I'm also available tomorrow at like from like 1pm throughout the entire noon if that is better?
  9. oh shit, sorry I wrote down the wrong time, I thought we play tomorrow at 7... big sorry can we...

    oh shit, sorry I wrote down the wrong time, I thought we play tomorrow at 7... big sorry can we play tomorrow then?
  10. then thats the time we will play, see you then

    then thats the time we will play, see you then
  11. then we play Friday 3:30 your time, I try to respond here again when I'm online

    then we play Friday 3:30 your time, I try to respond here again when I'm online
  12. I'm GMT +2, the latest I'm available on Thursday/Friday is 5pm your time, preferable earlier if...

    I'm GMT +2, the latest I'm available on Thursday/Friday is 5pm your time, preferable earlier if not I can pretty much play the entire Sunday
  13. GMT +2, can you play Thursday or Friday around 2-4pm your time? that is the latest I can play...

    GMT +2, can you play Thursday or Friday around 2-4pm your time? that is the latest I can play during the week if not we will have to find time on Sunday
  14. Sorry for the late response I'm GMT +2, how does either Friday or Thursday 7pm your time sound?

    Sorry for the late response I'm GMT +2, how does either Friday or Thursday 7pm your time sound?
  15. Tournaments ADV Ubers Open - Signups
