Recent content by hansenchaze

  1. hansenchaze

    Dark Merchant- Complete Dex Arena(UNDER CONSTRUCTION)

    Is it possible that you can wait for the proper description of each pokemon to finish or you want to continue feeling good of pointing it out when its not even done? Have you even asked if i will trade that or not when im fully aware of that pokemon being hacked? What if i will put it as not for...
  2. hansenchaze

    Dark Merchant- Complete Dex Arena(UNDER CONSTRUCTION)

    reserved for trade log...
  3. hansenchaze

    Dark Merchant- Complete Dex Arena(UNDER CONSTRUCTION)

    reserved for Current Projects..
  4. hansenchaze

    Dark Merchant- Complete Dex Arena(UNDER CONSTRUCTION)

    RESERVED for My wants..
  5. hansenchaze

    Dark Merchant- Complete Dex Arena(UNDER CONSTRUCTION)

    Welcome to my DEX SHOP! Where balls matter! Trainer info: FC: 4613-7604-2798 IGN: Chaze Timezone: EST Version: X Read First: No hacks. Powersave is fine. No clones neither(except for vivilions and kalos legendaries) as I have tons of them before powersave came out. But if you insist, clones to...
  6. hansenchaze

    Simple Questions/Requests - Mark 36 (Minor Pokemon Trades, Item Requests etc GO HERE) (NO HACKING)

    so if no wifi function after march 20 can we still do the download thing from gts to your game then transfer? I mean for the gen 5 wifi trading function... Im talking about this
  7. hansenchaze

    FT: +100 perfect shinies (including rares), jpn. ditto, and shiny legends LF: inside

    Paul read this Specially this
  8. hansenchaze

    Jerricent's Trading Post - Shiny & Non-Shiny Pokemon - Update: Some with matching balls!

    can i change the hp ice? i have it already hehe
  9. hansenchaze

    shiny shop

    thanks bra
  10. hansenchaze

    shiny shop

    my fc is on my signature. chaze one
  11. hansenchaze

    shiny shop

    what is the exact stats of this?thanks btw