Recent content by Jett__

  1. Spare Pentas/Leftovers

  2. Spare Pentas/Leftovers

    If you're still giving these out I'd love to have: 1 pinsir (f) jolly- moxie [quick attack/closecombat] net ball 3 squirtle (m) modest- rain dish [haze/mirrorcoat/dpulse/aurasphere] dive ball 4 snivy (m) adamant- overgrow [mirrorcoat/irontail] poke ball
  3. That's the melody to "Funky Town." - (Pain Split Rotom)

    Deposited a Male Lv. 3 Fletchling! I would really like a calm one, thanks! IGN: Jett
  4. Chesty's giveaways! major pink breast cancer giveaway has ended working on another giveaway soon

    If you have any extra Dratini's I'd love to grab one!
  5. Flaws Of Humantiy - Giving away Hoenn Megas!

    Yes I just got one!
  6. Flaws Of Humantiy - Giving away Hoenn Megas!

    [186] Shiny Politoed Nicknamed: Misery OT: R (48242) (Lv. 1) Nature: Modest - Ability: Swift Swim (Drizzle) IVs: 31/11/31/31/31/31 Egg moves: Encore Current Moves: Rest, Sleep Talk, Scald, Psychic Ev trained: 124 HP / 232 Special Attack / 152 Special Defense Tradeable Stock : Note: I bred this...