Recent content by Kid Kadabra

  1. Pokemon Nationals Shenanigans: A thread of joyous daydreaming

    Congratulations on pooping on everyone's party ninahaza. I'll remember this.
  2. Pokemon Nationals Shenanigans: A thread of joyous daydreaming

    I'm too lazy to bring all those things, I'm not bringing scrabble, not bringing wii or SSB, not bringing whatever the hell else I said earlier. Feel like it's gonna be too cramped in the room already so yeah. Soz
  3. League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

    Udyr is also very ban-worthy, in both solo queue and premade games.
  4. Pokemon Nationals Shenanigans: A thread of joyous daydreaming

    Way to mooch of Jesus' stuff. Luzr
  5. Pokemon Nationals Shenanigans: A thread of joyous daydreaming

    Also so you guys know, Enosh and I will be wrestling so get ur tickets before they run out.
  6. Pokemon Nationals Shenanigans: A thread of joyous daydreaming

    Well that's encouraging, and I'm gettin' real pumped up for nats, but I have to warn you
  7. Pokemon Nationals Shenanigans: A thread of joyous daydreaming

    Is that an excuse I hear? Jesus don't be a rooster.
  8. Pokemon Nationals Shenanigans: A thread of joyous daydreaming

    Fishy I will happily bring clue. How about Scrabble / Boggle / A chessboard? I can bring checkers for the seniors lol
  9. Pokemon Nationals Shenanigans: A thread of joyous daydreaming

    We should spend all our time playing a children's card game inside the hotel with air conditioning.
  10. Pokemon Nationals Shenanigans: A thread of joyous daydreaming

    Definitely only one babby. Nuff said. New topic: Jesus I propose a challenge. Arm wrestle. Doitoryou'rechicken
  11. Pokemon Nationals Shenanigans: A thread of joyous daydreaming

    I will be bringing a soccer ball for hallway shenanigans, as well as a Wii and SSBB because.... ssb is awesome. I can bring Melee too if you veterans out there want to hit the sick combos.
  12. Pokemon Nationals Shenanigans: A thread of joyous daydreaming

    That was what mine was like too until a certain black fraternity took over the entire city.
  13. Kindergang's VGC Promo

    This brought tears to my eyes :'(
  14. VGC '12 United States National - Indianapolis - WON by Cybertron and Wolfey

    I am most likely going to attend, as long as my summer job does not conflict. Does anyone need me to bring anything? (soccer ball, basketball, game console, etc.)
  15. [Worlds Update 1 of 3] Pokemon VGC Project 2012

    Hi hey-zus, great read. It was awesome hanging out with you at regionals, and yeah, I feel your pain about the timers.... *Cough* OmegaDonut *cough*