Recent content by Leader_proxima

  1. Regenerator

    Wait a second, how the hell do you catch ho-oh in Dreamworld?
  2. List of Released Dream World Pokemon and Attacks

    Anyone know how you get Ditto in the dreamworld? I want a ditto with Eccentric.
  3. The Desktop Thread

    Epic background, do you have a link to the picture?
  4. Does anyone here blog?

    Yeah i blog. I video blog on youtube, its not that good and it doesnt get many views but i enjoy doing it coz it gives me somewhere to post my thoughts. Youtube username: Zendolian
  5. In-Game Music

    My fave in game music is Pokemon G/S/C trainer battle theme. It was an awesome tune.
  6. itt post your favorite movies (or general movie discussion)

    Castle in the sky, is thee greatest Ghibli film in my opinion. And carrying you is the best film music ever. I love it.