Recent content by OvO

  1. Still have 2 eggs for you to hatch. One is yours to keep. Any updates on when you'll be available?

    Still have 2 eggs for you to hatch. One is yours to keep. Any updates on when you'll be available?
  2. I have an egg that matches you, would you mind hatching it for me? my FC is 4468-1200-2346

    I have an egg that matches you, would you mind hatching it for me? my FC is 4468-1200-2346
  3. Thanks for the update.

    Thanks for the update.
  4. You seem to have a quite popular tsv

    You seem to have a quite popular tsv
  5. Hi there, I'm another person that has an egg that matches you, I've already added your friend...

    Hi there, I'm another person that has an egg that matches you, I've already added your friend code. If you would be so kind as to add mine and hatch this for me I would appreciate it. My FC is 4468-1200-2346.