Recent content by Runemark

  1. Runemark

    Official ORAS OU Suspect Process, Round 2, Voting

    Metagrossite: Ban
  2. Runemark

    ORAS OU Suspect Process, Round 2 - Voter Identification Thread

    Confirming as Runemark
  3. Runemark

    np: ORAS OU Suspect Process, Round 2 - Spider Man [Metagrossite remains OU]

    I think the problem is that Mega Metagross, whilst extremely powerful, isn't inherently broken. It's more the fact that it limits teambuilding, and that the meta would be more balanced without it. After playing the suspect ladder a bit, it seems to me that teams have become a lot more diverse...
  4. Runemark

    Phoebus says hi c;

    Phoebus says hi c;