Tournament OMPL XII - Commencement


Forgiven and Hanged
is a Community Contributoris a Tiering Contributor
This thread has gone to shit so here are some MnM draft Player Rankings from me to save it. Also gonna tag Atha RoFnA TTTech Clas to post rankings of aaa / stab / bo3 / gg cuz its always fun to read such posts from prominent players of the tier.

Top Players that should go positive

1. Icemaster: Probably the best pilot out there in mnm right now. While his meta knowledge isnt the highest, ice has strong fundamentals as a player and is quick to pick up on trends. Coming from a strong open run where he technically built his own teams, his first rank is also boosted by mnm gaining a second slot in bo3, which does wonders for any team looking to pick him up. While he claims he wont tryhard this tour, i still think his above average level of participation in this tour is good enough to guarantee a positive record.

2. Redflix: While i consider myself as one of the top builders of this meta unfortunately, current mnm is not too kind on me. With a lot to account for in builder, i can often see myself tunneling on specific threats leading to faulty teams. Also given the fact that i will miss a few weeks of this tour, i dont think i can take that top spot from ice. Draft me with Osake pls

3. Clas: A competent player for bo3 as well, i think clas is better suited for mnm slot given its their strongest slot and the nature of this pool. A resident critic of current mnm who has openly stated their dislike, clas has still immense meta knowledge and has improved their play since last year, where they managed a decent record against a relatively stronger pool. They too are held back by their tunneling on specific threats but overall offer better value than the rest below.

Players that can go positive

4. Lydia: One of the stronger players of the past who understood mnm at its core, lydia is back after a long hiatus. As a player, they have been always solid but never have had the team tour record to back it out. Their un-familiarness to the meta may be a problem in the first two weeks but given support from either the bo3 slot or a manager, i think they'll thrive and could easily upset the above players.

5. Zastra: An active builder and an active ladderer, Zastra has also improved plenty from last ompl. While his play still needs final polishing, his proficiency in the builder is more than enough for me to have faith in them.

6. Slither Wing : One of the newer faces of mnm, Bonk had a good open showing and has been active throughout. Their building ability is top notch as they have been shown comfortable using a wide variety of archetypes. Playing-wise, on an even mu its hard for me to rate bonk that high as they can often lose their way in longer games but i'd be lying if the current meta didnt favour players like bonk.

These can go either way

7.dilllllllllllon: Admittedly, im being a bit harsh on dillon considering he repeatedly beats players above on a regular basis and has constantly shown to be quick on catching trends. His playing ability is also strong as he is not afraid to make daring plays even if he is ahead. However, his team choices is a bit eccentric and while it works on ladder, in a team tour setting id argue its a bit of a double edged sword. It'll be exciting to see whether he can bring his ladder madness to this team tour or not.

8. Osake: Former MnM Open Finalist and retired 3 years ago frenchie osake finds himself in the bottom half of the list. Should he start in the tier? Probably not as i doubt he is in touh with the meta but i am gonna mention him considering he has shown talent and is a good pilot.

9. ghostlike: While i wasnt impressed with ghostlike's mnm open performance despite his deep run, his recent games in playoffs has been pretty good. Not sure whether he builds his own team or not as he isnt active in the meta channel but he has shown to be a great pilot and has the ability to improve.

10. PociekMociek: Similar to Osake, I doubt Pociek has been UpToDate with current mnm but given his past expertise, i think he can be a good shout altho i do think his strength lies more on the builder than the actual game.

11. Axzel , Tectonic and db: Gonna club these three together since i have similar to say for all 3 and also gonna order them in this sequence. Axzel got snubbed last time and in general has not paid attention much to current gen altho recently ive seen them laddering. Tect has almost 0 experience in this tier and tbh current meta is probably unfavourably to him altho on playing ability alone i rank him the highest. db struggled last time to a terrible record and altho he has the ability to play good, thats gonna require a strong support and maintanence.

Other than these, Players like temp, Shing, Maybca, SpaceSpeakers, tier all have the ability to start but either they are much better as support for ur slot or are likely gonna be slotted into other tiers as a pilot.

Finally just saw a thing i want to address in this tour.


Nothing against tea here, but these signups are not it. All does this is hold the manager hostage in case of a sub needed and overall, takes a spot from a player in this tour. (or more if people are insane enough to go more than 3k since tea is p known in the community). If ur not gonna even be available to sub in for the duration of this tour, whats the point in even being in a team. u can literally support as a helper without being bought to a team u like.


is a Community Contributoris a Tiering Contributoris a Contributor to Smogon
u can literally support as a helper without being bought to a team u like.
im gonna speak up because i asked tea to sign up; this is super degenerate and i wish it wasn't an accepted standard. having a player offer free support, much less the best builder in the tier do it, is a huge advantage and if there was a way to prevent teams from doing this id be heavily pushing for it. it's especially bad in playoffs when half the teams are eliminated and players join whatever team they like most.

every manager knows what they're getting here and if they dont have enough subs for any tier it's their own problem, just like if they pick up 4 subs who all put pic or bh in their tiers not played list.


I'm not that nice!
is a Site Content Manageris a Forum Moderatoris a Smogon Discord Contributoris a Contributor to Smogon
People take team supports for granted far too often, especially free/undrafted ones who are helping out of kindness and good will. Supporting, especially if you're a team's primary support for a tier that not many people are willing to learn (even if they should be) is an immense amount of work and dedication, and if a manager drafts a pure support, that's a choice they're making after deciding the benefit of amazing support outweighs the benefit of a fourth sub. Players who intend only to support should absolutely sign up! If they intend to put hours of their time and effort into a team that wins, they absolutely should be rewarded the same as every other team member. Expecting support to be free just because many people do it out of the kindness of their hearts is incredibly shitty, supporting a team to have a win officially under your name is just as, if not even more valid.
takes a spot from a player in this tour.
This is the definition of cope and skill issue lmao.

The larger sentiment also doesn't make sense because tea, and anyone else who chooses to sign-up solely for support, owe managers (and especially other players!) nothing because they are being transparent in what they bring to the table, so it's on the managers to draft accordingly. It is also silly to disregard the manager's autonomy and risk analysis in their decision to pick up sole support players. Tea doesn't deserve a callout like this, especially since tiers not played was added in part so players could focus on the tiers/things they actually want to help with, and not be forced into anything.
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of the void
is a Community Contributoris a Social Media Contributor Alumnusis a Smogon Discord Contributor Alumnus
OMPL Champion
i personally don’t think there is anything inherently wrong with having people join your teamchat to support from the shadows, if you don’t like it then you should try and make more friends or be more self reliant/buy a competent team that can work amongst themselves without outside help. signing up solely to support is not taking a spot from someone else because, well, they should have been drafted by someone else if they were so deserving. i don’t really like the idea of “snubs” in team tournaments since everyone will get their chance eventually and if you don’t make it then there’s only really one person you can blame and that’s yourself for not being more invested in making it happen. you can win games, you can be a socialite, you can be known as that one person who can build decent teams whatever it is if you put yourself out there you shouldn’t have an issue getting bought in this tour. if he wants to join as a support then he should because he will have value, it’s not senseless and you can always draft other subs to actually commit to playing. not everyone has to be there to play.
Hey, old Smogonite, new tour player. Lemme add to the dogpile and say this is a non-issue. By saying upfront they won't be playing, only support, they're removing the issue of "taking the spot" of another player.

If I were to be drafted as the solo Inheritance player for a team (please do not do that, read Don's post, I will very very very much need teambuilding support) and then when my game came up said "Oh, I just wanted to be support, not play any games," that would be an issue, leaving my team without a player for a game.

But Tea saying ahead of time they won't be playing any games would make the "mistake" of drafting them entirely on the manager, if they were expecting Tea to play.

And if you think you should have been drafted but you got left on the shelf in favor of support, well, maybe you need to spend a decade on this site before you attempt any tour shenanigans like I did.


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RBTT Champion
We don't agree with Redflix's list so we got together to write a better MNM PR. Also to deviate from that minor thing in his post that 99999 people are making posts about. Also the MNM pool is stacked asf so its great fun to look at

Top Players

1. Redflix: Builds the most coherent teams and understands the latest meta trends and the weight of each mon on the builder, as evidenced by leading the format. We think he's slightly above QT due to past records.

2. QT: Much like Redflix but just slightly weaker recent showings.

3. Stresh: No justification needed. It doesn't matter if he doesn't know the meta cause what he uses becomes the meta by next week. But he has had legit NO activity in OMs recently, so we can't be too sure of his results, and we do know he'll be v busy with WCOP etc which takes him down a little.

4. Lydia: Player fundamentals are insanely important and lydia probably has one of the highest of everyone on here. While she hasnt played much gen 9 MNM but its extremely easy to get into - just see Icemaster. She should have no trouble adapting, Gen 9 MNM is the tier most like a gen 8 or gen 7 format.

5. Career Ended: OM Circuit champion with perhaps the most knowledge on general OM team patterns (they apply across all metas), and is getting into all sorts of formats, UU included. He is getting better extremely quickly, and was already very good, so should be able to kill everyone in MNM.

6. Clas: Obviously, 6 players can't go positive...... but its likely multiple of the above play BO3 and Clas can punch with everyone else up here. In terms of player fundamentals, slightly below the above, but what brings him high is his activity and willingness to build MANY teams until he gets something working.

7. Icemaster: high fundamentals, and typically plays well but has the tendency to rush midgames or games where he thinks he's ahead (prime example: MNM open vs Rofna). Ranked high because of his past showings, but his questionable performance recently and reluctance / inability to build is quite bad in a builders metagame like MNM. While he had to beg for teams for OMGS, if he gets some good team support, especially from some of the above, he might be able to punch as well as everyone else up here. Also will be busy with various ubers tours outlined in his signup... defo needs a builder.

Great Players:
8. Axzel: EXTREMELY slept on player... usually goes 5-6 wins or more in TPP - yeah sure most of you will write that tournament off but its literally on the same level as OMPL... not that much level in player skill nor are the formats too different (if anything, SNM is harder due to a lack of resources, so that attests to his creativity and builder exploration). I think he's slept on mainly because he's not given a chance - he didn't get selected in OMPL fsr, or in OMWC due to being in a stacked region, and because he doesn't really join much of the individuals.

9 Tectonic: As above. He can be kinda annoying tho LOL (but that was a few years ago - very possible he's matured) so you'll definitely get a bargain on a great player.

Tied 9. dilllllllllllon: Great individual results, but we haven't seen that much games from him. Esp not in the team tours. Definitely worth throwing 3k at if you can't commit to the above.

10. derpyboi/db: Another great player worth throwing 3k at - he can definitely start.

11. Zastra: not much to add, redflix covered it.

12 Slither Wing: Flix covered it

13. Temp: Top tier in TPP MNM just like Axzel.

I don't have much to add on the remaining players but there's A LOT of great MNM players.... super deep pool and we're all excited to play in it. Our advice to managers would be to not spend too much here - there's so many good players you can go for a high tier for 5k rather than a top tier for 14k, and then save your money towards the pools with more talent concentrated at the top. We think those are BO3, STAB and PIC.

Thanks everyone who helped me rank
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PRs of gg players (the players who are not included here are those I don't know or those whose gg signup I think is negligible) (I don't want to upset anyone sorry if my PRs seem wrong to some people). If other players want to do theirs, please do! It's always very interesting to see different people's opinions, and it can only be positive. (especially since I don't have much to say, it's pretty sad ngl)

Tier 1 - Very good players who require little or no support (not ordered)
  • SammyCe123
Very good player who can finish with a very good score considering his Ig I do not know if he will manage to find the good mons & spreads to builder but it is a very good gg slot

  • Les2BG
that's me! I don't think I'm overestimating myself here. I build well and I have a good Ig when I've practised enough with a team (buy me to play if you like).

  • Fraise
Excellent player with a good Ig and a very good builder, we have more or less the same profile, I recommend him.

  • Clas
Very good player very good Ig and good building it may be a little weaker than the rest of tier 1 in build but it's very negligible

Tier 2 - Good players but will need someone on the side to help them. (ordered)
  • Maybca☆〜ゝ。∂
He can put out good teams and still have a good Ig, but I don't think he'll go as far in teambuilding/have a good enough Ig to go to Tier 1.

  • hayedenn
A good player but surely needs someone to help them build, otherwise these teams are perhaps a little too standard.

  • ghostlike
I like some of his builds which seem to me to be fairly intelligent but he doesn't have the Ig of SammyCe123 and given that he's not very old in the tier I think this place suits him well (he's still a very good pick).

  • astralydia
Good player who has played previously in gg but given that she hasn't built/played as far as I know lately she'll probably need more help than the other people in Tier 2.

Tier 3 - Good players but will REALLY need someone on the side to help them. (ordered)

  • Entrocefalo
Very, very good Ig but he has never played gg so someone needs to build him all his teams.

  • temp
the same as entrocefalo but I think he has a slightly worse Ig than him

  • DeepFriedMagikarp
Good player who is interested in gg but with builds that are a bit... strange? He probably needs less support than the other two above but I think entrocefalo and temp have a better Ig and given that they'll need help it might be less interesting to pick him.

  • lepton
Hasn't played for a long time but with good results. I don't really like his teams but she's not bad.

  • Frixiel
Already played tier but not recently and with a worse Ig than the rest of Tier 3 imo

Tier 4 – Probably only for support unless there's no other choice (ordered)

  • Boingk
Active and interested in the tier while sometimes having good ideas for the build, he is a very good support

  • Nashrock
I've played/watched a few games of his and he seemed to be motivated by the tier so he could be interesting.

  • Cyril tbh
He did well at the gg open but I don't think he's built anything and his Ig doesn't look great.

You can contact me by mp if you have any questions about things I didn't mention or that I didn't explain well, I'll be happy to answer. have a nice day!
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Quick AAA drafting guide
Very roughly ordered inside the ranks by how reliable I think they are
I'll happily be proven wrong

S but inactive - shiloh Jrdn
A but inactive - MZ astralydia hariyana grande zioziotrip hayedenn Icemaster PociekMociek

Active builders
A - Lana LordBox DeepFriedMagikarp ghostlike Glory
B - Slither Wing Betticus IV Codename C.A.T matte BoingK

AAA gamers, good backup
SpaceSpeakers Tranquility GlalieGoesBoom Les2BG Hera Cyril tbh

Skilled players with little AAA experience
Stareal TPP Dr. Phd. BJ Mada RoyalReloaded pdt

The rest idk / forgot / not good enough (Osake)

Since I'm not a stakeholder this could be the most straightforward and unbiased BH PR. Or you can call it subjective cuz it is still my personal take.
Nihilslave's BH Player Rank
Players in each rank ordered
Cityscapes is the only BH player in the pool that I have negative odds against.
Stresh is great at everything but they are not likely to start BH.
Quantum Tesseract
QT's teams are standard and effective enough for mid teambuilders not to break through. And most teambuilders are mid teambuilders. Plus QT is a very good player.
If given time he can grasp the metagame very well. And after that he can use his rude and energetic builds to tear his opponents apart.
Akira is the best serving professional BH player. I lose to them very often in private games. They may have also accumulated enough tour experience from the past tour games.
Actually I don't know much about Chessking as an individual player cuz we are always teammates lol. And we always pair very well so he can't be bad.
Ivar is like a machine. That's both a positive comment and a negative comment.
TTTech is "averagely good" by the comment of Eelstartega.
Clas behaves very well in tours but perhaps they can't build. I don't like watching replays of 9BH so I can't comment more.
I don't do researches but I somehow feel RoFnA is an active and creative BH player.
Willdbeast was a professional BH player when I first played in tours and still beat me in an impressive game last omwc. Being absent for a long while though he can accomplish his job as a BH builder&player well.
Tea Guzzler
As a tour player tea has a bad mental and as a builder tea has hit his bottleneck long time ago. You should still draft tea if your team lacks a player that really knows BH.
Rightclicker is a promising player. He's young and hasn't been tested much in tours (iirc). Steal him and let him cook something.
Tzaur was very good a while ago. If not the absense I'd place them higher. I'm really interested in their performance as an OMPL player.
The Guy Who Has Many Alts
A very active player on discord. They always have innovative ideas but need tour experience or someone else to hold them back from those crazy ones. Just like the young-young cityscapes. A very specific suggestion is pairing them with Chessking.
The player I never understand. Being isolate from the main BH community kinda makes their builds unique. Solid player.
Marsopa Trump & Test Rex
A 7BH player that was good. I don't think they have obvious shortcomings.
Hiusi guy
This guy has grown a lot in last omwc. I believe they can continue this trend if drafted this time.
Codename C.A.T
Not a big presense in my mind however I remember they had some decent tour performances.
I've been keeping told that Pdt is a BH goat but I've never seen that true once.
From recent posts I can see a certain extent of meta understanding from them.
They are active and capable of offering ideas. Lacks meta understanding, tho.
I don't know how players in this rank will behave in Gen 9 BH but they are still worth being mentioned. Being in this rank doesn't necessarily mean they are worse than the players above.
Darkrai Retribution
Career Ended
I don't really recognize these names. Being in this rank doesn't mean they are necessarily worse than the players above.
Everyone Else
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My AAA Player Ranklist

Players who respect Volcarona and are willing to play more than the same 12 Mons in AAA rn

Players which loose on spot with Teams e.g Corviknight Press or AV Manaphy with no backup plan for Moth and reusing same core every week

Remember my dear managers, triple AAA is real for tiebreak; pick your players wisely
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Hello this is a PSA to all managers.
Please do not draft me with zero support for BH!
I have noticed that I am going for alarmingly high in all the moccs and while that might change now that a few more players have signed up, it seems pretty likely that I could end up as the sole BH purchase on a team.
If I get drafted solo then I cannot guarantee the sanity of my builds! this may lead to using unhinged teams that lose instantly with a bad matchup.
Preferred support includes my comrade pokejeff as well as anyone who is actually good at BH.

However, I can guarantee that if I get to play inheritance I will also be bringing unhinged builds but they will be the cool kind of unhinged instead of the bad kind.
Hello this is a PSA to all managers.
Please do not draft me with zero support for BH!
I have noticed that I am going for relatively alarmingly high in all the moccs and while that might change now that a few more players have signed up, it seems pretty likely that I could end up as the sole BH purchase on a team.
If I get drafted solo then I cannot guarantee the sanity of my builds! (Nor my own sanity in later rounds!) this may will lead to using unhinged teams that lose instantly with a bad matchup (see last OMPL).
Preferred support includes almost anyone (though preferably not someone with too distinct of a playstyle)
(Some specific examples of cheap support that work well include augustakira, XxLazzerpenguinxX, and Nihilslave)

However, I can guarantee that if I get to play inheritance I will also be bringing unhinged builds but they will be the cool kind of unhinged instead of the bad kind. I do not play Inheritance.
This is a 100% serious post btw, please don't draft me as solo BH


Take care of yourself.
is a Tiering Contributoris a Community Contributor Alumnus
Hello this is a PSA to all managers.
Please draft me with zero support for BH!
I have noticed that I am being alarmingly undrafted in all the moccs and while that might change now that I have signed up, it seems pretty likely that I could end up as one of many BH purchases on a team.
If I get drafted solo then I cannot guarantee the sanity of my builds! this may lead to appearances of previously unseen chthonic constructions known only as "stunfisk-g np lugia sand stall", "Normal Pills (Pidgeot-Mega) @ Choice Specs", "the cosmoem team", "av kyub + blissey + scales mblaze + light screen steela quadruple spdef", "iron moth + cobalion balance", and many others. These teams are known to never lose and so if you would like to win every week (except the one where ill be gone), you would do well to not draft me with anyone who respects Pokemon such as Choice Specs Mega Alakazam (not even the fur coat one) in the year 2024.

However, I can guarantee that if I get a therapist then I may eventually be prescribed multiple medications which could have negative effects on my building and playing abilities. There are some very important people who want to see this happen, so please do not listen to anything you hear from moderators, the state, or both regarding this matter. Thank you.

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