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Luck O' the Irish
Luck O' the Irish
haha im excited for this rematch :) does tuesday night work? i go out of town weds btw
Deej Dy
Deej Dy
yeah tues should work at like 8pm probably
Luck O' the Irish
Luck O' the Irish
sounds good, im not sure if i'll be available at that time exactly but I'll be on for sure for most of the evening/night
Deej Dy
Deej Dy
busy tonight after all so hopefully tomorrow or thursday!
Luck O' the Irish
Luck O' the Irish
Fuck I'm not gonna be able to play after today, I'm going on a camping trip tomorrow. Is there any way to get these games in today? I can stay up late if necessary
Deej Dy
Deej Dy
erm well im going to a bar and i wor early tomorrow, so i will be tired and probably intoxicated ;/. maybe we can get an extension for the weekend or friday?
Luck O' the Irish
Luck O' the Irish
ah well the trip is like 10 days lol...which in hindsight is something i should have considered before signing up for the tour. i guess if there's literally no way for us to get the match done tonight you can have the win
Deej Dy
Deej Dy
ill see if i can once i get promises tho lol
Luck O' the Irish
Luck O' the Irish
yeah its np, if we can play that would be sweet but if not gl in the rest of the tourney lol