Smogon Forums

Yes it is.
Pika Xreme
Pika Xreme
I would invest in catgirls
Heavyweapons Mann
Heavyweapons Mann
All the money being spent could be put towards catgirls.
Pika Xreme
Pika Xreme
Our priorities are, in order, stopping global warming and catgirls that can successfully survive and support themselves. Literally no other potential advancement matters.

Of course, ideally we would make catgirls that stop global warming, but...
Heavyweapons Mann
Heavyweapons Mann
I think you need to switch those around, unless they're tied.
Obviously catgirls are the answer to any problem in the world.
Pika Xreme
Pika Xreme
Stopping global warming is much more realizable at the time. Catgirls, with minimum collateral, will require immense amounts of biotechnological information that we simply don't have right now.