Smogon Forums

Maitre rock
Maitre rock
I am available Saturday at 22h
I am GMT + 1
ADF Test
i should be able to do that man. ill see ya then. if not are you good sunday?
Maitre rock
Maitre rock
it depends on the time you propose me?
Maitre rock
Maitre rock
22h gmt+1? Is good ?
ADF Test
wait. idk if i can play on saturday. how about sunday?
Maitre rock
Maitre rock
I am available 2 days from 22h GMT + 1 if Sunday at 23h GMT + 1 hour. I am not received but I would ask a winning activity after if you want one day an extension against which I am not against.
Maitre rock
Maitre rock
I apologize in advance if this is not understandable I use google translation and I speak badly bad English
ADF Test
What is your PS! account, so that if I am able to see if you are on sooner that we could battle.
Maitre rock
Maitre rock
Maitre rock ;)
Maitre rock
Maitre rock
What is your alt ?
Maitre rock
Maitre rock
I am available for 2 hours
Maitre rock
Maitre rock
even if I'm not connected to a ps