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  • hey alice, I just logged into last.fm for the first time in like a year, and saw the website had changed completely! Im like where the fuck is everything :( So yeah I was just wondering if all the things people had wrote on their profiles was put anywhere else, because I cant find it... For example I remember that people had a little blog sometimes, and also like benchmarks and flairs etc
    I know I said it in the thread, but once again thanks a bunch for your advice and info, hope you continue to excel in your studies!
    No worries, and thanks a lot! You too, hope things treat you well. :D
    ur ava is great :)
    Im planning on watching it when i finish Toradora. I've read the synopsis on MAL and it sounds of interest to me.

    This badboy is from the SAOII XD SaO is hella overrated but I still enjoyed it :)
    Btw whats it like in New South Wales? I'm visiting Queensland when the summer comes around and they are somewhat close together (although it looks far enough for the climate to be different, but idk what the variation is like over there lol) so I thought i might as well ask ;P
    OML Madoka was so good :D
    Your post in the unpopular opinions thread is so meta I can't tell if it's pure genius or if it's actually serious.
    happy bday pluffers, hope its very thrash
    Thanks hun <3 It was literally thrash lmao I had a seizure BUT I will not look birthday wishes in the face. nah it was p chill other than that I had a nice one. Thank youu
    i don't want to put casual conversation in LGBTQ given the tone of the conversation right now, so hi! thank you for welcoming me! it's really nice to meet you :0 (we should talk about magical girls sometime)
    hi :D
    jsyk your latest post in LGBT (the one you tagged me in) the formatting is messed up and its hard to read the post bc of the font and what i'd assume is an accidental messup

    e: nvm lol
    Lol yeah thanks sorry I wrote that in a notes app on my phone ;_; mobile smogon not conducive to my novella. thank you I appreciate it! and hi, pleased to meet you. :D
    ah ic makes sense

    and hiya, nice to meet you too :D
    i think i helped decrease the salt levels in the lgbtq thread :o
    Hey thank you! It's been a few years and... I must admit I do not recognize many people so I'm glad to see some familiar names. :)

    I want to say you've grown into a very intelligent and articulate woman but you were already quite so before I faded away from what I remember.

    Keep it up!
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