Search results

  1. A13X

    XY OU Mew is the Real Boss (peaked 1926(edited 10/11/14))

    Hello!I am A13X and I'm gonna show you my latest OU team,which worked out pretty well.I really wanted to do a solid team around Stallbreaker Mew,one of the bests mons in the metagame and also one of my favourites,and here is the result: TEAM PREVIEW TEAM IN DEPTH...
  2. A13X

    A Balanced Mega Scizor Team

    Hello,Alex here to present you my last Mega Scizor Balanced Team.First of all,sorry if there are any grammar mistakes, english is not my first language,but I'll try my best^^ Team Preview: In depth: Scizor @ Scizorite Ability: Light Metal Nature: Adamant EVs: 20 Atk/248 HP/116...