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  1. CAP 5 CAP 5 - Part 15 (Sprite Poll 3)

    I like Darthvader's front sprite and back sprite. They're both pretty good though.
  2. CAP 5 CAP 5 - Part 14b (Pokedex Entry Poll 1)

    I like: 3, 14, and 40
  3. CAP 5 CAP 5 - Sprite Submissions

    Well, I made the shiny version: I also "transparentized" it using adobe.
  4. CAP 5 CAP 5 - Part 13b (Name Poll 3)

    Well those that were on the poll got good feedback from people. If no one noticed, then... yeah... I guess that was the problem. At any rate, I'm voting Protolith as to me that actually sounds more pokemon-esque than Stratagem. I just don't see it actually: "Go Stratagem!" vs "Go Protolith!"...
  5. CAP 5 CAP 5 - Sprite Submissions

    Lmao! x) I guess you're right. Well, here's a sort of update on the other one:
  6. CAP 5 CAP 5 - Part 13a (Name Discussion)

    Heh, I myself don't mind Stratagem. As you stated we shouldn't get too emotionally invested in this. Perhaps people should just suggest the names and not criticize another person's name. Just vote, but not criticize. State which ones you like but don't point out the ones you don't like. It...
  7. CAP 5 CAP 5 - Sprite Submissions

    Bah! A backsprite. x_x It's not that great though. :\ It needs more work.
  8. CAP 5 CAP 5 - Sprite Submissions

    Well, I kind of modified mine even further. Though I guess I should create a back sprite. A back sprite just to have something set. The claws seem a bit off though. I guess I decided to discard the whole "hand on chin" pose because it made it look too... "cutesy" which isn't what I sought...
  9. CAP 5 CAP 5 - Part 13a (Name Discussion)

    Oh, I know: Spirox (Spi-rocks) - Well, this name is a combination of Spin + Rocks + X (because it's X-shaped). You could also say that it's a combination between Spirit+Rocks+X (because it floats). Thus, the fact that it can be either makes the origin of the name quite vague, which is what one...
  10. CAP 5 CAP 5 - Sprite Submissions

    That one looks very nice. I love the pose. I would probably vote for this one to be the sprite. Hmm, perhaps it could use a little more shading, maybe? Hmm... not sure. Though I love how the left limb is just stretching towards you.
  11. CAP 5 CAP 5 - Sprite Submissions

    Updated Well, I updated my sprite I guess. Changed a couple of stuff here and there: Like I said, I'm not really a sprite artist, so... I'm not really that great great at it. Though, I guess I had more time with this sprite, hence why it looks better than before. The limbs are kind of "meh"...
  12. CAP 5 CAP 5 - Part 9 (Ability Poll 2)

    Technician I vote it mainly on aesthetics as I feel it fits the sprite more and is more creative than levitate. I mean, sure levitate seems to fit more. Though, it's alien look also gives it a more technical look, and because we already have a lot of pokemon that float around and have levitate...
  13. CAP 5 CAP 5 - Sprite Submissions

    bad spriting? =( Hey guys. How's it going? Well, I suck at spriting and creating sprites from scratch, but I've made this thusfar. xP It's not that great, and did not come out exactly the way I expected it to. It looked kind of different on paper: Not sure if you can see that. =\ It is...
  14. CAP 2 Part Deux: Poll 14 - Spriting Time

    I like Dragon's sprite. It shows more... I don't know. I find that it actually looks more like a D/P pokemon. It looks the most natural, and also, I do prefer the orange shiny sprite over the blue one.
  15. The Official Smogon Poetry Thread

    I guess I'll post my poem here again: If I ever do so Pleasantly Recall... If I ever do so pleasantly recall, (venerating memories above all), indulge in a dream, whether big or whether small, or let my mind wander, like a leaf amidst the fall, perhaps drift off into space, like a zephyr or a...
  16. I'm not sure where to put this... but it's a poem I wrote

    Well, I didn't want to add it in Smeargle's Studio, because it seems unfitting (it has to do with graphics and stuff), and it doesn't seem to fit under the category "Entertainment Reviews" either. So bleh. :\ Now regarding the poem itself... hmm... well, I'm not sure whether I should add more...
  17. CAP 2 Smogon "Create a Pokemon" Part Deux: Poll 2

    Hmm... to be quite honest I approve of the no Levitate thing because it's true... there are a lot of ghost pokemon that have levitate and it gets a tad bit old. So its nice to have a small restriction to keep, mainly, variety among the pokemon and stuff. For the pokemon itself, I think I went...
  18. [Warstory] His Kingdom for a Horse

    Not really a shoddy glitch. More of a message error. Clefable isn't really hurt by the spikes, though it says it is anyway. I should probably remove that part.
  19. [Warstory] His Kingdom for a Horse

    Why hello there guys, its me, Hypnotist again. I know I haven't been on much ever since like... 6 months ago... or something like that, but I got distracted with making my own server and my own metagame and stuff. Currently, its up, but I've been having connection problems ever since I got this...