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  1. Nattori


  2. Nattori

    np: XY OU Suspect Testing Round 6 - Wrecking Ball [Read Post 423 for Posting etiquette]

    I'll bite: Zard-X: Find time to mega before rocks are up and don't switch into Mawile and you are fine! M-Scizor/Scizor: Why Sucker punch this? Fire fang! or I can just go into something that fucks Scizor or stay in guessing it has U-turn maybe. Hmmm... tricky but most maw do have fire fang...
  3. Nattori

    np: XY OU Suspect Testing Round 6 - Wrecking Ball [Read Post 423 for Posting etiquette]

    The quality of some of these post seem like they were made by people who literally gotten no higher than 1300 on the normal ladder or clearly have no clue of high level plays. Just saying! Seriously tho, majority of the pro-ban arguments make hellah more sense than most of the anti-ban ones to...
  4. Nattori

    np: XY OU Suspect Testing Round 6 - Wrecking Ball [Read Post 423 for Posting etiquette]

    And then you realize its easier said than done because Mawile forces switches especially if Pokemon X is already weakened and doesn't want to take a sucker punch and/or its something you absolutely need such as a win condition. Basically in short, its bound to get a free sub on something and...
  5. Nattori

    Pokémon Diancie

    From a Defensive Team Stance: After a few ladder matches, I find Diancie chances of being OU low due to its main drawback being the 50 Base HP more than the easily prepared for common weaknesses, I like using it on my defensive team but at the sametime I often feel like something else could be...
  6. Nattori

    np: XY OU Suspect Testing Round 5 - Ghost of Perdition

    Someone already explained why we can't just suspect King Shield... Seriously why suspect the only fucking move that is essentially a part of him and define him, furthermore he needs it to activate his ability: Everyone who says...
  7. Nattori

    np: XY OU Suspect Testing Round 5 - Ghost of Perdition

    Oh shit, you guys really are suspecting the ol'smogsword! lol Anyway, Aegislash is one the many mon making the OU metagame extremely "ugh... why the fuck do I even bother? Yawn!" feeling, he is not absolutely flawless but almost perfect in a sense. I personally find him very newbie friendly...
  8. Nattori

