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  1. Recommendation Central

    Seconding FLCL. It's only 6 episodes; just watch it.
  2. League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

    I've been racking up lots of wins with Jarvan lately. I usually get a positive KDR, despite building him very tanky. My usual build is HoG, Merc's, FroMall, Either Negatrons or Chain Vest depending on the other team, 99% of the time I'll build Atma's Impaler first, then go for the Banshee's...
  3. League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

    No offense, but I don't understand how someone could suck as Rammus; he's easy mode. And no, I'm not a Rammus-player-basher; I play Rammus pretty reguarly. I remember my first time playing Rammus... It was one of my first ranked games, which I'd queued with one friend (still landing us in solo...
  4. Up the punxxx

    I'm quite a fan of pop-ska and pop-punk stuff, so I guess I'm not exactly the most "hardcore" listener. Some of my favorite punk bands are Goldfinger, The Suicide Machines, Save Ferris, The Vandals, No Doubt (Yeah, despite Gwen Stefani being in there, it's technically Ska which is technically...
  5. League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

    Skins? Isn't this thread about League of Legends...? Anyways, my LoL username is 2gig. I haven't played in a while, but last time I did, I had a mean winning streak solo queuing unrated with Sivir. I play a pretty mean Rammus, Zilean and Taric, and, while I haven't touched him since before the...
  6. Investments/monies/etc

    While I follow financial news a lot, I don't actually know too much about investing.... This one time, I decided to play around with a practice account on a Foreign Exchange (FX) site. Basically, the way this works is you sell one currency in large quantity (usually by 100,000 for the paper...
  7. League of Legends: Let's Talk About uhhh??

    You'll probably have a lot more luck asking on the forums.
  8. what if you posted what bands you like

    Giant Drag This is the only band that I listen to a lot which most people probably don't already know. My favorite song by them, which is also by far their most popular, is their cover of Wicked Game, which is done no justice by Youtube's audio quality. Their entire Hearts and Unicorns album is...
  9. Political Compass

    Obviously the biggest problem with this quiz is its inability to distinguish why we strongly disagree/agree with many statements. I know there were a few that I felt compelled to choose one answer for, which I knew would push me to the left, although I was analyzing the statement more thoroughly...
  10. US Congress Preparing to Pass Net Filter Bill

    Just to add to what Scicky said, even if he'd been forced to buy music because there was no alternative, he likely wouldn't purchased nearly as many songs as he presently has. Why should so many consumers have to suffer when there is a cheaper, more efficient way to acquire the same thing...
  11. Social Survey

    Your arguing makes me sad. Obviously any rational person would condemn stealing, killing, etc. You know this, and you say it anyway, not to make any sort of actual point, but to skew the argument. Quite frankly, I take this as an insult to myself and anyone else who wants to have an intelligent...
  12. This Is Not A Now Playing Thread

    I'm gonna copy Rocket Grunt's format to the best of my ability since, quite frankly, I don't believe my description can do this song justice. "Wicked Game" by Giant Drag Somewhere between Indie and Grunge. Quite 90's-esque. Sweet, dreamy female vocals. From LA, California. The song is full...
  13. CAP 10 CAP 10 - Part 11b - Non-Attacking Moves Poll

    Heart Swap Aqua Ring Encore Transform Metal Sound
  14. How have your past girlfriend/boyfriend relationships been?

    Well, maybe you feel blessed because you didn't have the actual experience. On paper (or in a post, har har), what I went through looks like a bunch of bull crap, but I don't regret any of it. I've only grown more mature thanks to my experiences with her, and I'll benefit from being able to put...
  15. How have your past girlfriend/boyfriend relationships been?

    I'm only 17, and I'll admit that I can often be caught, red-handed, putting myself up on a pedestal. This was a serious issue for the first year and a half or so of my relationship with my last serious ex. It wasn't so much that I thought she was awful and I wasn't, but rather she let me push...
  16. How have your past girlfriend/boyfriend relationships been?

    This is probably a load of crap. From my experience with friends and my own previous relationship, when people in relationships say that they have no freedom, it's usually their own faults. For instance, my ex-girlfriend always complained that she didn't have any freedom and that she never got...
  17. How have your past girlfriend/boyfriend relationships been?

    Where can I find other girls who think like you? If multiple locations are available, I'd like to know the one closest to the New York City area.
  18. Ask A Little Question, Get A Little Answer (Mark 1)

    Ah... /facepalm Well, the stats of LC pokemon are generally more offensive than defensive. Yes, their offensive stats are low, but so are the defensive stats. On top of the vast majority of LC pokemon being offensively inclined, the level difference has a huge impact, drastically boosting...
  19. Ask A Little Question, Get A Little Answer (Mark 1)

    I don't know what significantly weaker attacks you think are used, other than the increased frequency of priority moves in comparison to standard. Pokemon are running around using powerful attacks like Earthquake, Stone Edge, Thunderbolt, and Ice Beam, just like in standard.
  20. Ask A Little Question, Get A Little Answer (Mark 1)

    Because of the way damage is calculated, attacks generally do more damage at level 5 than level 100.