Search results

  1. [CLOSED] Eisen's Battle Tree Factory

    Pokemon requested: Heatran Gender and level of the Cutiefly: M, 16 (Nicknamed Lil-Ali) IGN: Blake
  2. [CLOSED] Eisen's Battle Tree Factory

    Pokemon requested: Dialga Level and gender of the Cutiefly: 10, F IGN: Blake Thanks!
  3. [CLOSED] Eisen's Battle Tree Factory

    Pokemon requested: Kyogre Level and gender of the Cutiefly: 12, Male IGN: Blake Thanks!
  4. [CLOSED] Eisen's Battle Tree Factory

    Just confirmed that my pokemon was sniped, I've updated my post with the new Cutiefly's data
  5. [CLOSED] Eisen's Battle Tree Factory

    Pokemon requested: Groudon Level and gender of the Cutiefly: 12, Male IGN: Blake