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  1. yureion

    Media Post some cool obscure games you've played

    anyone remember Wild Arms for PS2? that's one I think of always. that, the Dark Cloud series, & Okage: Shadow King (all ps2) is my top 3 of "way too good to be forgotten to time."
  2. yureion

    Lifestyle What is your highlight of today?

    got myself a ps5 and got to hang out with my brother and dog all day.
  3. yureion

    Sports NBA Thread: 2023-2024 Season

    as a Knicks fan I have no horse in the race, but always liked the Mavs since Dirk........ that said I do think the Celtics win this.
  4. yureion

    Chuck E Cheese

    we still have Chuck E Cheese here in Long Island. they seem a lot more thin in sense of presence nowadays though. I remember i only wanted to be there to play the XMen Arcade game - cheap pizza but as a kid ya loved it cus it all tied in on the energy. lol i remember me and my friends...
  5. yureion

    Post your searing hot takes

    wraps > sandwiches.
  6. yureion

    Media General Music Discussion Thread

    everyone once in awhile i'll re-hear songs i remember from growing up around my parents and today Counting Crows - Mr. Jones came on and I was like "OH THATS THE NAME OF THAT SONG I LOVED AS A KID" lmaoooo
  7. yureion

    Media Videogame thread

    i finally got a ps5 today (Still playing Sand Land through first on my xbox) but incredibly excited to play a lot of the PS exclusives after since i can't play two at once one will take over and ill forget the other lol. probably gonna relearn Madden (use to play for money vs friends when...
  8. yureion

    Describe how you feel using vague concepts

    my cup isn't half full or half empty - that's just it's magic trick, there's always a "well that's cool" and a "well i rather not... (but know i have to);" to keep that cup from a too high you drink it all or too low you ignore there's some left, just glad my cup stays with hydration for the...
  9. yureion

    Media Videogame thread

    i didn't realize the (well some) .hack// games were on switch till today when i was like "look at me being a good boy and saving some money lets purchase our next game up after i beat Sand Land" (i *LOVE* this game btw - my brother even bought me the book for it [since it came out like a week or...
  10. yureion

    Sports NFL Thread: 2024-25 Season

    I didn't know about the SA (tbf I don't follow him like that [nor care too], I just follow pro-wrestling to even know of him at all) but that's terrible smh. Surprised that didn't pop up more when he was signed.
  11. yureion

    Sports NFL Thread: 2024-25 Season

    sorry for double post i'm late but I just seen Gable Stevenson signed with the Bills as a DT and (tbf I don't know his sports history outside wrestling - Amatuer or Otherwise) and I'm just like.... wait? what? ya got cut from WWE for not growing but wanna go to the NFL now? i do legit wish him...
  12. yureion

    Sports NFL Thread: 2024-25 Season

    there will be a mode his OVR goes down 5-7 points if she's not in attendance.
  13. yureion

    Media What is the best game, uncontested, youd die on that hill proudly

    the Dragon Quest Warrior Monsters game (for Game Boy) was big as a kid ---- gonna play the new one soon (got the it, just been mid games i wanna finish first) I honestly am hyped to try that game out... (the Game Boy game) is top 5-10 for me I had access to as a kid from a family with "We can...
  14. yureion

    Media What is the best game, uncontested, youd die on that hill proudly

    lol didnt realize my posts about it been that recent together [the likes shown me] (life just been wild helping family move and all else LOL - brain needs to brain better) that said, i remember being like... 50 hours in (including grinding so obv not story time alone) and i looked up a...
  15. yureion

    Sports NFL Thread: 2024-25 Season

    yeah all i heard even from friends is "jets young in speciality spot not like qb/oline so those early weeks gonna test"' its funny cus with my family it's "Jets hope with A-Rodg vs Bills fandom meaning "We trust in Beane"
  16. yureion

    Media General Music Discussion Thread

    im open to everything music wise but recently i noticed - even if i enjoy all sometimes "Home is best" and (i know seems an easy thought but i use listening to new things at work as a distraction from the human reality none of wanna be there lmfao. that said you end up away from your norm for...
  17. yureion

    Sports NFL Thread: 2024-25 Season

    It's the travel/time in between games all pundits are like "Sheesh" and i aint a NFL player so i dont know ALL THE TAXES but when they explained it i was like yeah... that seems like a torturers row lol.
  18. yureion

    Sports NFL Thread: 2024-25 Season

    i mentioned before I come from a Bills v Jets family... even my Bills fans side said to the Jets side "That schedule is killer" lmao.
  19. yureion

    Media What is the best game, uncontested, youd die on that hill proudly

    i'm a (J/)RPG head so I stand by Dragon Quest 8 forever. alot more but I think that and Final Fantasy 9 (lowkey 10 too, but honorable mentions: Dark Cloud & Golden Sun series) sheer fun/nostalgia/outside that realm game? Jet Set Radio Future. ALSO: Simpsons Road Rage - anyone that doesn't love...
  20. yureion

    Sports NBA Thread: 2023-2024 Season

    Me (a Knicks fan):