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  1. I spent the last 10 minutes watching ur pfp

    I spent the last 10 minutes watching ur pfp
  2. XD

  3. Nice dance

    Nice dance
  4. dunsparce

  5. 13 now?!

    13 now?!
  6. A journey we set on strong. We must come prepared, for what we might face...... Thundering...

    A journey we set on strong. We must come prepared, for what we might face...... Thundering storms........ Torrenting rain........ Overgrowing plants......... Blazing flames......... We must pull through, Let light guide you On your way to the ultimate fight.
  7. Well youre not wrong. I like this song. Hey hey let’s go! On a journey we will go! u get kik...

    Well youre not wrong. I like this song. Hey hey let’s go! On a journey we will go! u get kik off boet I fit inside a toat Let the rain, fall down. Down, on my face. On my hands, On my arms, Everywhere. Everywhere.
  8. hell 0

    hell 0
  9. I ate my pie and I don’t know why, I am late to the party of slate because I do not like that...

    I ate my pie and I don’t know why, I am late to the party of slate because I do not like that very thought. YEET MY FEET AND I GOT A SHEET Yah yah
  10. Ok

  11. Usmsw
