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  1. You were doing well until I was able to DD twice. From there, not much you could do, since your...

    You were doing well until I was able to DD twice. From there, not much you could do, since your counter to Outrage had just fainted a turn before.
  2. Wi-Fi Blacklist: as of January 30th, 2014

    Final Edit: After pondering, I've decided that this doesn't really matter to me. Upon re-reading my post, I realize my memory of the incident is shaky, thus not as reliable as I would hope for. I have removed the offender in question from my post to protect his identity. I apologize for taking...
  3. 2010 Gubernatorial Elections

    Although, since the usefulness of her experiences are quite debatable, I surrender. Edit: And I apologize for the double post. My bad.
  4. 2010 Gubernatorial Elections

    So none of the skills one has obtained / made use of through the aforementioned process of attaining wealth would help them govern? In my opinion, I think there would most definitely be something she has learned that would help. I doubt her experiences would be rendered null and void.
  5. 2010 Gubernatorial Elections

    I thought being a billionaire would be considered to be somewhat of a good thing on credentials. I am aware she doesn't vote...I don't like her at all. But surely being a billionaire isn't done by stupidity. There are good qualities that you must possess to be able to obtain such wealth. Again...
  6. 2010 Gubernatorial Elections

    Of course they are entirely different. What I meant to imply is that she has had quite a successful career outside of politics, which can't hurt. The fact that she has experience running a big & flourishing business such as Ebay would be a positive in some regard, I would think. Also, don't get...
  7. 2010 Gubernatorial Elections

    I consider myself pretty far right, but as a Californian I do not like the candidates up for election. My suspicion stems from the fact that Meg Whitman spent about $80 million of her own cash to win a primary election. While I do understand that it is her money and she can do with it as she...
  8. Good Books?

    The Odd Thomas series by Dean Koontz is quite the read. It's basically about a guy who can see ghosts (yeah, yeah, yeah...I can hear you screaming "UNORIGINAL" through your monitor). He can see them, but he can not hear them and can only discern their attempts at communication through their...