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  1. NightEmerald

    OC [Multifaction] One Piece Mafia d6 - June 3rd 6:00:00pm -4 deadline

    the goverment can't replace my fren
  2. NightEmerald

    OC [Multifaction] One Piece Mafia d6 - June 3rd 6:00:00pm -4 deadline

    +4, the angrypidgeon thing has a built in +3
  3. NightEmerald

    OC [Multifaction] One Piece Mafia d6 - June 3rd 6:00:00pm -4 deadline

    with the frizz big mafia game? no way
  4. NightEmerald

    OC [Multifaction] One Piece Mafia d6 - June 3rd 6:00:00pm -4 deadline

    they do have a goated passive
  5. NightEmerald

    OC [Multifaction] One Piece Mafia d6 - June 3rd 6:00:00pm -4 deadline

    i like hh they fren vote angrypidgeon
  6. NightEmerald

    OC [Multifaction] One Piece Mafia d6 - June 3rd 6:00:00pm -4 deadline

    bus drivers must die vote AngryPidgeon
  7. NightEmerald

    OC [Multifaction] One Piece Mafia d6 - June 3rd 6:00:00pm -4 deadline

    you obviously didnt read the post, what the post ACTUALLY said was that if you know all the names in a faction, it’s random which ones are radical. Absolutely no information was given with respect to radical role strength, but I would assume LN is right, since it makes the game more interesting...
  8. NightEmerald

    Metagame Metagame Discussion

    I must have been mistaken, then. Thanks for the clarification!
  9. NightEmerald

    Metagame Metagame Discussion

    Question, why is Stench not banned in Little Cup? Came across a Stunky that flinched me with knock off, and I thought that would be banned as it is in other metagames.
  10. NightEmerald

    Board Game The Lost Art of Diplomacy - Sign-ups [Accepting Subs]

    In, partnered with sunny if they’re willing (no experience)
  11. NightEmerald

    Hey can we stop driving buses?

    add me to the list if there’s gonna be like.. a petition