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  1. Tangerine

    Media One Piece (spoilers!)

    read it only after an arc concludes then you forget everything that happened before so you marathon the whole series to read the one new arc repeat after every arc
  2. Tangerine

    Media One Piece (spoilers!)

    This might be the only part of this forum where I recognize people from. I'm glad OP fans are loyal :D
  3. Tangerine

    smogon irl

    all i know is aldaron and jimbo are pretty good at dodging. jerks.
  4. Tangerine

    Happy 10th Birthday, Smogon!

    nice to see everyone still lurks
  5. Tangerine

    Post college grads come here

    This is like a "Old Smogoners: Where are they now" thread in disguise
  6. Tangerine

    The meaning of contentment

    People should be happy, but never satisfied/content. Getting fulfillment and contentment are different things.
  7. Tangerine

    Serious Libertarianism / Limited Government Thread

    My bad! Should have read that part more carefully. I think I was pretty irritated by your second paragraph onwards that I just painted that first paragraph that way :] Just cause some parts of the government should be kept in check does not mean the government does not provide useful services...
  8. Tangerine

    Serious Libertarianism / Limited Government Thread

    Mmmm, I don't really agree with your assessment either. The thing about government involvement is that it tends to come up with solutions that are very "mediocre". For example, the big issue regarding the aftermath of financial crisis was that due to "concessions", the stimulus packages ended...
  9. Tangerine

    Dota 2

    I am just disappointed that it is Fishin who made this thread, but he doesn't even play Dota. I never felt more deceived and Disappointed in my life.
  10. Tangerine

    Serious Libertarianism / Limited Government Thread

    Market Failure is LITERALLY defined as a problem that the market cannot correct itself on. So no, your definition is totally wrong, and you are trivializing market failures. Market failures is not a feature of the government, it is a human trait. Capitalism is a theory that is developed off what...
  11. Tangerine

    Serious Libertarianism / Limited Government Thread

    Sorry, but that's not quite right. The Friedman-style Libertarianism is very different from the Libertarians that's preached on the internet, specifically the "Which is chiefly caused by meddlesome governments". Market failures exist and that's is simply how it is. You can twist it however you...
  12. Tangerine

    Is philosophy still relevant?

    I think Philosophy is inherently more dangerous than most other fields. I think the biggest reason behind that is because usually every philosopher you read should affect how you view the world, so as a field I think it has the biggest effect on you as a person. I don't think it's ever a bad...
  13. Tangerine

    Serious Income Inequality

    You should just think of capitalism is a model. It's a damn good model that is very powerful. Generally implementation problems aren't really a problem in the long run, because pat of it is that we as a collective have some sort of incentive to fix whatever we think is a problem. That's the...
  14. Tangerine

    Media One Piece (spoilers!)

    Pretty sure there's going to be lots of flashbacks, or enough pieces for us to piece them all together in nice detail cause I'm sure Oda's going to make it matter I dunno how you managed to read all of these recent chapters and somehow miss doflamingo lol
  15. Tangerine

    Media One Piece (spoilers!)

    Chou, not fair to compare "character development" between a Manga that has had 700 chapters vs a manga that's only on the 200s, especially shounen. Same with story. Compare it when OP was in the 200s. HxH was miles better than OP when it was on the 200s. OP only really took off at Water 7, IMO...
  16. Tangerine

    Media One Piece (spoilers!)

    Am I the only one worried about Oda's health? He has been on a biweekly schedule for a while now. I'd rather have him take a long break from OP to recover than to try and workaholic his way through to make new chapters.
  17. Tangerine

    Media Attack on Titan (final season coming!)

    Especially a comic that clearly was written for other purposes other than "cool fights" :p Just take it as it is!
  18. Tangerine

    Media One Piece (spoilers!)

    aldaron noob
  19. Tangerine

    Media One Piece (spoilers!)

    Some random thoughts re: power level and future fights 1) We don't know how strong the SHs are right now -- I think Oda is going to keep this a secret for a bit longer. All the fights that SH has been in has been SHs being obviously stronger than their opponents or SHs in a situation that kind...
  20. Tangerine

    April Sprites: We did it

    I think this is the first time I've seen half of you here ever post, but I just want to tell you I love you all. This is amazing.