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  1. drugs (we're gonna get hi, hi, hi)

    does anyone here like spice? just wondering. i've probably smoked spice roughly 40 times and about half of those were enjoyable as fuck, 40 % i just felt kinda gross but it was whatever and the other 10 % i tripped the fuck out but spice is cool. i wouldn't suggest smoking it on a day to day...
  2. Smogon Tournament #7 - Round 4

    completely fucking haxed out of it. he won a speed tie, got two crits and i had two misses within the first 8 turns of the game. all in all, bullshit.
  3. Smogon Tournament #7 - Round 4

    nails internet was down so if hes on today well get it done
  4. Smogon Tournament #7 - Round 4

    played first game against nails, won 1-0, will play him tomorrow or thurs
  5. Modern Warfare 2

    @ Rey i'm down for zombies :3
  6. The Truth About........

    this made me laugh so hard.
  7. Smogon Tournament #7 - Round 3

    won 2-1. he quit in the middle of the third game when i was up 6-3 so ya, gg's herbietg.
  8. Smogon Tournament #7 - Round 3

    Herbie was on today and I contacted him but it's been like an hour and he still hasn't responded.
  9. drugs (we're gonna get hi, hi, hi)

    weed doesn't really fuck with your memory. it may not be 100 % reliable but it IS a .org site and each myth is backed up with evidence.
  10. drugs (we're gonna get hi, hi, hi)

    i honestly didn't come here to have people tell me not to do drugs. first of all, what does age have anything to do with it? fuck man. if i enjoy something and it opens up my mind in a new, wonderful way then why shouldn't i do drugs? i enjoy being high as opposed to being sober. i'm not stupid...
  11. drugs (we're gonna get hi, hi, hi)

    I know i'd much rather smoke regular weed. it's cheaper too but supposedly the k2 doesn't show up in a drug test which is what matters to me.
  12. Rap

    Dance with the devil is great by immortal technique. so is point of no return and you never know
  13. drugs (we're gonna get hi, hi, hi)

    ya my friends a heavy smoker but he only did smoke a little this time. he IS super skinny with a ridiculous metabolism and he does muay thai. and i did not know that there was a 3 - 30ish day range. that's pretty interesting actually so i guess it depends on how much you smoke and your...
  14. Rap

    whoo! andre nickatina and mac dre are my favorite too :D and you posted a lot of shit so i'll try and listen to all of that. and american cars with mac dre and andre nickatina is another one of my favorites.
  15. The Venting Thread (trolls itt)

    i hate how societal expectations look at things like drugs and alcohol as "bad." i mean if something opens up your mind in a whole new way and if that's how you want to live your life, then why the fuck should people look down on that?
  16. drugs (we're gonna get hi, hi, hi)

    @ Aku, by legal kush i don't mean "medicinal marijuana" i mean k2 which is basically synthetic marijuana. also, i was pretty skeptical about the whole sweating thing cutting the time down, but i have a little story i guess. i was with three of my...
  17. drugs (we're gonna get hi, hi, hi)

    im only 15 and i smoke weed but i just recently got caught so i'm grounded, weekly tests, etc. i have a few questions. has anyone smoked legal kush? i have a few friends who said it gives you a nice high and it won't show up on a test which is perfect. i also have another question. people tell...
  18. Rap

    Oh i forgot to add I really like nas and cypress hill. i hate lil wayne with a passion. his lyrics are terrible, he has a bad voice and he doesn't even write his own lyrics. i've never really listened to much kanye, so idk about him. i can't stand drake as well. i love eminem but his new album...
  19. Rap

    I've been listening to a decent amount of Rap lately which is kind of a change from the shit I usually listen to, so I was wondering who you guys like :3 i'm looking for more artists to listen to. as i've now, i pretty much listen to: eminem, wiz khalifa (not his super mainstream stuff though)...