Search results

  1. cyclonez_

    Tournament Strongest State Tournament [20€ Prize Pool] - Sign-Ups

    sure what the hell, in
  2. cyclonez_

    Tournament Solomods Premier League - Playoff Semifinals

    won, ggs! thanks for playing the game on short notice matte
  3. cyclonez_

    Tournament Solomods Premier League - Playoff Semifinals

    copen more like copin'
  4. cyclonez_

    Tournament CAPPL X - Player Signups [Custom Avatar Prize]

    Name: cyclonez (aka jumpheart) Tiers Played/Interested in: SV SS ORAS Non-Player Roles: test games and professional hater Foreseeable Inactivity: work but shouldn't effect things majorly
  5. cyclonez_

    Metagame SV OU Metagame Discussion v4 [Volcarona Banned]

    No need to apologize, it was a great post! Thanks for clarifying. Figured it was an oversight of some sort but was curious to see. For me personally, Roaring Moon's archetype (versatile fast offensive Pokémon with usable bulk) is one that can be inconsistent--some serve as healthy options that...
  6. cyclonez_

    Metagame SV OU Metagame Discussion v4 [Volcarona Banned]

    I admittedly don't play OU much recently, but from my perspective, I think this is a really good writeup of some of the top threats. Super detailed. Great work. One odd inconsistency in this post that I wanted to ask about was Roaring Moon. In the Pros section for each mon, you mention some of...
  7. cyclonez_

    Tournament UPL XII - Player Signups [Custom Avatar Prize] [Auction Sunday June 2 @ 11 AM -4]

    Player Name: cyclonez Tiers Played: USUM SS SV Tiers Not Played (Binding): RBY Foreseen Inactivity: full time internship but shouldn't interfere much if at all
  8. cyclonez_

    Pet Mod Hide and Seaking - Slate 2 Signups

  9. cyclonez_

    Pet Mod [Gen 1] RBY CAP - Revived! [CAP4 - Concept]

    Rock On RBY OU has 4 Rock types ranked, but only one is actually decent--the rest are quite niche picks. This concept aims to add a second Rock type into the mix that doesn't occupy the same design space as Rhydon and Golem. Burn User Recycling this slate 1 concept, Burn is a status that is...
  10. cyclonez_

    Social LGBTQIA+

    better late than straight (this is a joke)
  11. cyclonez_

    Pet Mods Tribes

  12. cyclonez_

    Social LGBTQIA+

    This, Nintendo is one of the best companies at dropping the easiest layup but this is going to make so many people happy, myself included. They're on a decent streak as far as LGBT rep goes, still have a ways to go but I'm happy to have grown up on their games. Never played TTYD growing up but...
  13. cyclonez_

    Resource Solomods Megathread

    the metagame is out and the spreadsheet has been released! thanks to everyone who showed up for this, meta should hopefully be coded soon :)
  14. cyclonez_

    Tournament Solomods Premier League - Week 3

    i am simply living up to my promises as a manager would YOUR manager bring a shitmon solely for the purposes of committing a lol? a little tomfoolery? for the purposes of comedy? humor? no? didn't think so. pokémon is a GAME. we play to have fun. truly, i do not understand why people try to...
  15. cyclonez_

    Tournament Gen 9 Multiverse v2 Playtest Tournament [Winner: Tanny89k!!]

    no faith in the pet mods golden boy
  16. cyclonez_

    CAP34 - Part 12 - Name Poll 2

    Chuggalong Konvoyage Trainrex Allaboros Dracaboose Chuggadrugga Lokokomoto Revengine Leviatram Dracoloco Rexhaust Choolong
  17. cyclonez_

    Tournament Masquerade Kickoff Tournament! (Won by cyclonez_)

    won in 3 vs earl, very rng set. i had better luck when it mattered. sorry about that