A Peaceful Week for the Town of Salem - WON BY THE MAFIA AND THE WITCH

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A Spoopy Ghost
is a Tiering Contributor
It's a peaceful night for the villagers of the Town of Salem, the Coven has been dealt with and is now no more. While the townsfolk rejoice and begin to party, nefarious individuals start organizing... planning to overtake the town once more...

Game-specific rules:

  1. There are 4 distinct factions, Town works as a group and have the objective of eliminating all Mafia and Neutral Killing roles. The Mafia work as a group and have the objective of eliminating all Town and Neutral Killing roles. Neutral Killing roles work alone, their objective is to eliminate all Town members, all Mafia members as well as other Neutral Killing roles while remaining alive, with the exception of identical Neutral Killing roles. . Neutral Evil roles do not have direct killing power, and must instead survive long enough to see the Town lose the game, typically allying themselves with some evil faction.
  2. The game will have two phases, Day and Night. With day phases lasting 48 hours, and the night phase lasting 24 hours. The game will begin with a 24 hour Day Phase without a vote, leading into Night 1. Every night except Night 1 and Night 3 there will be a full moon, some individuals might have increased power that night...
  3. During the day phase, players can vote for an individual to lynch by writing *Vote ___ with the Asterisk (helps finding votes). In the event of a tie, no one will die. Hammer requires 2/3 of the playerbase, rounded to the nearest digit to vote for the same person.
  4. Voting will follow the same structure as standard mafia games, "The Stand" is not a mechanic for this game.
  5. Night phases are when all the actions occur. Same as a typical game. Nights will last 24 hours.
  6. No screenshotting game related information. Quoting Role Cards is allowed, due to their public nature, however you may not directly quote results or your role message (some leniency will be accorded). . Follow all Circus-wide and Smogon-wide rules.
  7. This is a semi-open setup with randomized role selections as well as 4 different setup options, Town roles are categorized within subcategories of Town Investigative, Town Protective, Town Killing and Town Support, roles are equally weighted within categories and rolled for that specific slot. For Random Town slots, they are simply rolled across all available Town Roles.

Mechanical Information:
  1. This game is marked as Semi-OC to include the Whisper mechanic, during the Day Phase, you can talk to any individual 1 on 1, including me and/or Duskfall in the conversation (whether it be in Discord or Smogon PM's), DM's including multiple people are BANNED. Any individual not respecting the rules might be subject to a DQ or public information reveal. You Cannot Whisper during the Night Phase.

  2. Another Major Mechanic is the Last Will, by DMing the host with either a PM including Last Will: ____ or a screenshot of some kind of document, you will store a message to be delivered after your death, which will happen immediately upon your death announcement. Watch out, these messages can be tampered with!

  3. Action priority for identical roles or roles with the same priority will happen in line with a randomized list at the start of the game, every player will be alloted a number between 1-15 and listed in the OP.

  4. Some roles have a certain amount of Power for their attack and their defense, a role with Basic Defense cannot be killed by an opponent with Basic Attack, while an opponent with a Powerful Attack can break through a Basic Defense. Some attacks are Unstoppable however

  5. To send night actions, DM me with the ability you are choosing, as well as your target(s) in bold, your rolecard will specify if you do not have to target someone, or if you have multiple possible targets

  6. Most other game information can be found here:
Setup Information: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1lRj0aTrSWCDbTjZWClqBqsXiNIfd5DjqzRpULGkfr9I/

Role Card Information: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Hd5IFCcd5rLEeVFTZkXsgSgNZDsn7qPgAtKTJ_SO6gY/

Any questions in regards to roles or anything else can be directed to me, due to the open nature of the setup I will be as transparent as possible about the roles.

Player List:

  1. Alice Kazumi
  2. pulsar512b

  3. master oden
  4. StupidFlandrs48
  5. saberslasher11
  6. Psypsypsypsypsythe
  7. Lechen
  8. ImaginaryNeon

  9. genisu

  10. Dead by Daylight

3. Redless (Werewolf)
4. JALMONT (Veteran)
5. sunny004 (Transporter)
12. HydrogenHydreigon (Bodyguard)
14. Celever (Vigilante)
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A Spoopy Ghost
is a Tiering Contributor
You are all still cherishing the defeat of the Coven, those pesky witches are gone for good, and the town is safe once again. It's somewhat late in the day, and the town is all celebrating their victory with relatively little casualties... surely we keep celebrating thorough the week, right?

It is now Day 1, this day in particular will only last 24 hours and will not have a vote. You may begin discussing.

Whispers are enabled, you can simply DM an individual on Smogon or Discord, while including a game Mod Ehmcee or Duskfall98 and talk privately one on one, see OP for rules relating to whispers.

Deadline is Friday the 10th at 11pm EST.
-Everyone should be putting who they target (not necessarily results, but targets) each night into their last wills. It’s free, guaranteed info for the rest of us if you die.
-Town should determine the which of the 4 setups this game is as quickly as possible to create a workable POE.
-To this end, if you are a Firefighter, please claim, either to me or to a random person (who should then publicize that a Firefighter claim has been received)

Hello everyone!

First off, I’d like to extend a big Circus mafia welcome to Lechen and Dead by Daylight ! They’re both also in the ongoing diplomacy game, and are really nice people, so here’s to hoping they don’t get randkilled n1 lol.

I want to set some of my gameplay expectations and share some of my thoughts about this game.

1) 11pm EST is exactly when I fall asleep, meaning that I usually am not on my computer for 30min-1hr beforehand. If there is a critical vote coming up, I will stay up to deadline, but expect this to be an exception and not the norm. (I’ll stay up for like another 20min after posting this in case I can answer any immediate questions btw)

2) I typically am not a huge NOC enjoyer. The amount of posts+texts that I have to parse through in order to distill anything usable is very annoying, and I personally prefer to avoid doing so when necessary—I will definitely skim everything on the thread, but don’t expect me to remember every minute detail of what is posted. If you need me to respond to something or have a question you want me to answer in the thread, please tag me in the post so I know to look for it.

3) A corollary to this is that since I like OC, I will probably prefer using whispers to communicate, especially if discussing sensitive information. I’ll try to keep a healthy mixture between the two, though.

While I am not a huge NOC enjoyer, I have played a LOT of Town of Salem, so I would like to share some thoughts of mine. First, everyone should put their role and who they target each night into their Last Will. Forger notwithstanding, the information you put in your will is essentially mod cleared since it is revealed publicly and is guaranteed to come from you. For instance, if an Escort targets a Werewolf on a full moon, the Escort will die—but unlike with an SK, their will remains readable. So, if the Escort is keeping track of who they target, they will out the Werewolf with their death.

Second, due to the open setup, Town’s primary focus for these first two days should be to figure out which one of the four setups we are playing. Doing so will allow someone to collect claims from everyone, and create a mechanically cleared PoE from those who have counterclaims that do not fit within the setup parameters.

To this end, the Firefighter, if you exist, should claim. Since the Firefighter is unique to the Pants on Fire setup, it will save us the guessing game. It may not be a good idea to pub claim with 2x Arsonist, so I would either claim to myself or to a random target (who can then publicize the Firefighter claim). It is an objectively incorrect play for Mafia to attack the firefighter until at least the mid/endgame, due to the immense threat posed by 2x arsonists, so hopefully you are willing to take the risk and tell someone you exist.

Finally, I’m genuinely unsure if it is a good idea to claim to someone / for someone to collect claims today. I’m inclined to say no, since hopefully someone will be green checked thanks to the high-info nature of this game. I am open to debate, though.
Hello everyone, I will come back to this thread after work. Have fun.

The last will mechanic is interesting and can help solving a lot especially when there are multiple setups.

I wont be able to stay around before deadline so if possible I'd like some activity before then so I don't have to blindly vote.
Sup everyone.

I'm trying to figure out how exactly this whisper network is going to function. I have not played town of Salem in years but it seems like the difference between that and this is the sheer amount of time we have to coordinate our actions and whisper to one another. I had the idea that maybe info roles (or any role that gets info) could informally spread their info to other players at random without identifying themselves as the source. Then, those people could further spread the info at random intervals without identifying where they got it. This would let really important inspection results or other results get widely disseminated without the people who got those results having to publicly self identify. If one of the results turned out to be a fake, then it would be relatively easy to publicly or privately trace that result down the line to the person responsible for originating it, who could then be dealt with appropriately.

My discord is redless6817 and I'm extremely interested in whispering with everyone here. Like Sunny I am more of an OC whisper preferer than a NOC wall-of-text digester.
I'm looking at these 4 different possible setups and trying to think about which ones we can sus out just by having people spread town info to one another. Vigilante and Transporter jump out to me as roles that specifically show up in 1 of the setups and not others. Although either can show up randomly, I guess. It's very damning for these people to out themselves though -- maybe this is a good opportunity to make use of the random whisper network I talked about in the previous post? Have those people whisper "there is a vigilante" or whatever to a random person after some time, then if you received that whisper you pass it to another person randomly? This way we could disseminate that info without IDing the people who have those roles.
i dont think people should claim today and as a result i dont think we'll figure out the setup today either. to me i would rather not know the setup right away than go down the slippery slope of discerning who to claim to and risking that that information ends up in the wrong hands.
I'm looking at these 4 different possible setups and trying to think about which ones we can sus out just by having people spread town info to one another. Vigilante and Transporter jump out to me as roles that specifically show up in 1 of the setups and not others. Although either can show up randomly, I guess. It's very damning for these people to out themselves though -- maybe this is a good opportunity to make use of the random whisper network I talked about in the previous post? Have those people whisper "there is a vigilante" or whatever to a random person after some time, then if you received that whisper you pass it to another person randomly? This way we could disseminate that info without IDing the people who have those roles.
im going off pretty ancient tos knowledge here, but i believe vigilante and transporter can show up in any random town slot, and transporter can also be the guaranteed town support slot, so the existence of one, or even multiple, doesnt narrow down any possibilities as far as setups without having other role information as well
would a fullclaim work here into a mod confirmed player, who can then sort out duplicates?
like five people posted after this without answering it :psynervous: cmon guys. honestly if there was a bit more immediate activity in this game i wouldnt have hated a fullgame, specifically because this game started very soon after role pms went out. mafia probably wouldnt have time to organize fakeclaims and we couldve caught somebody out on that. i think that window has passed though, maybe not by now but by the time most people chime into thread

also no one would really be mod confirmed atp except maybe a revealed mayor, and a mayor reveal early and without cause is dangerous since it restricts their utility. can mayors whisper or receive whispers after reveal? i dont remember. either way even just having one collect roles could easily backfire if a forger is in setup. "duplicates" is vague word here. duplicates of most roles can exist, and it can be even more than two. the specific thing wed be looking for is what cant fit into the slots that are available, which could be any permutation of things this early on with zero confirmed information
im also not too keen on whispering much. its a side mechanic with situational use in tos, and i think leaning too much into it here just because its oc comfort could derail the game imo. in my mind, this is an noc game with an oc element that should be used in specific circumstances and it shouldnt be anyones go-to for communication
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