Tournaments ADVPL III - Finals (Won by Aquacorde Anglerfish)


formerly Leru
is a Past SPL Championis a Past SCL Champion
UUPL Champion

banner by Kolohe

>> Spreadsheet (credit Ticken)<<
>> Replays and Usage Stats <<

I grew tired of waiting after three weeks of no action for my own team so I decided to post the week myself. (also Mashing approved it) Welcome to the finals of the third ADV Premier League! Good luck to all players!

Dave's Dugtrios (2) vs Aquacorde Anglerfish (6)

ADV Ubers: The Strap vs Fogbound Lake
ADV OU: lax vs baddummy
ADV OU: fade vs SuperEpicAmpharos
ADV OU: Empo vs Mako
ADV UU: xtra$hine vs Heysup
ADV UU: devin vs Shiba
ADV NU: ima vs Stockings
ADV DOU: Z Strats vs Xrn

Dave's Dugtrios (0) vs Aquacorde Anglerfish (0)
ADV Ubers: The Strap vs Fogbound Lake
ADV OU: lax vs baddummy
ADV OU: fade vs SuperEpicAmpharos
ADV OU: Empo vs Mako
ADV UU: xtra$hine vs Heysup
ADV UU: devin vs Shiba
ADV NU: ima vs Stockings
ADV DOU: Z strats vs Xrn

The deadline for this week is Sunday, June 18th at 11:59 PM GMT -4.
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Dave's Dugtrios (4) vs Aquacorde Anglerfish (4)
ADV Ubers: The Strap vs Fogbound Lake
ADV OU: lax vs baddummy
ADV OU: fade vs SuperEpicAmpharos
ADV OU: Empo vs Mako
ADV UU: xtra$hine vs Heysup
ADV UU: devin vs Shiba
ADV NU: ima vs Stockings
ADV DOU: Z strats vs Xrn
Dave's Dugtrios (5) vs Aquacorde Anglerfish (3)
ADV Ubers: The Strap vs Fogbound Lake (the strap)
ADV OU: lax vs baddummy (lax)
ADV OU: fade vs SuperEpicAmpharos (fade)
ADV OU: Empo vs Mako (mako)
ADV UU: xtra$hine vs Heysup (heysup)
ADV UU: devin vs Shiba (shiba)
ADV NU: ima vs Stockings (ima)
ADV DOU: Z strats vs Xrn (z strats)


is a Tutor Alumnusis a Top Tiering Contributor Alumnusis the Smogon Tour Season 30 Championis the Smogon Tour Season 33 Championwon the 17th Official Smogon Tournamentis a Two-Time Past SPL Championis a Past WCoP Championis a Former Smogon Metagame Tournament Circuit Championis a Former Old Generation Tournament Circuit Champion
World Defender
won vs mako, gg and gz

i joined this tournament because xtra suddenly pitched the idea of learning an old gen in our server and he decided to pick adv. guess what advpl was just around the corner, so i tagged the squad and said lets team up.
i laddered a bunch during these months, some people have asked me directly or wondered who that guy on the ladder was and i am not planning to play this tier in ci or any tour anyway anytime soon so i'll disclose my alt

i think the people i played the most were johnny, fruh and baddummy, ggs to y'all. shoutouts to Lord_Enz for spectating me early on, got hella clapped while i was trying to learn the tier lmao, to sprinkles for passing me teams and being a great support, unfortunately u couldn't join this tournament with us and finally to leru and dave who managed to draft all the squad. admittedly the chat was dead af LOL but it was a great tour regardless

peace out
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I was requested to play and accepted:

Big shoutout to SEA and Hclat for the managing skills. It felt great to be able to run my team ideas by you each week and the assistance you both provided was top notch and invaluable. The fact that the Anglerfish are 3peat champions is no coincidence. I noticed I went for a fairly cheap price of 5.5K in the auction and I knew I could prove to be a huge underpay. It was a huge confidence boost to return the favour of the effort our managers put in by playing both tiebreaks and succeeding.

I'd like to think I've made a number of new friends this tour and I wish the rest of the Anglerfish the best of luck in their future ADV endeavours. You've been a really impressive bunch this tour and have proven to be excellent planners, players, and teammates. I'll leave the longer shoutouts to our managers but if a tour is going to be dragged out for almost a full month longer than I expected it to last, I'm glad I got to spend it playing with you all.


show me what to be
is a Pre-Contributor
NUPL Champion
Well, this has certainly been the craziest tournament I've ever been a part of. From making playoffs on a fucking tiebreaker after going winless for the first 4 weeks to Hclat trolling a child in manager chat for an hour, this has been a truly incredible experience. Thanks to the hosts for running this tour once again, continues to be my absolute favorite every year. Now, some shoutouts for the gang:

Redless earl gr3y Caloom Zacpz Grouping you all together (british) because I feel like I did you guys a real disservice this season. You were drafted likely with high hopes of playing several games and finally getting your shot in a tour, and y'all didn't really get the shot I feel like you deserved. That's on me as a manager, and I really am sorry. I wish you all the best of luck going forward.

baddummy The star of the show, really. You stepped up, and in a big way this season. After your start, to come back and begin dominating with a 6-0 on fucking Triangles of all people? You killed it this season man. The snub for CI main I'm sure has got you fired up and ready to kick some more ass this year. Best of luck, and happy to have been of service to you :blobnom:

BIG WILL THE GOAT. I'm sure this is not how you imagined ADVPL to go when you signed up, but man was it one for the ages. Not only did you come out with some money in hand, you came out positive on The Sheet. Whether you want to continue playing Doubles formats or want to continue pushing Singles is up to you, but good luck and have fun in whatever you decide to pursue going forward.

Fogbound Lake The savior. The best 3k we spent without a doubt. Thanks a ton for coming in mid-season and actually being active. It was really easy for you to just coast and not try, but you didn't. You grinded out games and worked every week, and I cannot say thank you enough for that effort. I doubt you really want to play this tier much anymore, but best of luck in WCoP and your future endeavors :D

Heysup The usual carry. What's there to be said anymore? You continue to utterly confuse me with your team selection yet all you do is keep putting up Ws. Keep at it man. Thanks for the huge lower tier support as usual.

Mako Thanks for shifting around this season, and thanks for being chill. I hope we can team again sometime in the future, and I sincerely hope everything gets better for you! (and thanks for the music recommendations too)

rs I know this wasn't your hottest season, but you really came in clutch for us when it mattered. I know you didn't have full intention of playing UU, and that's on me as a manager for not getting that for you. Best of luck with everything man, it will get better :D

Sadlysius Thanks for hanging out and I'm so sorry we couldn't get you in auction! You're always a great guy to be around though, and thanks for helping out in our team chat (and me in NUPL :D) all season!

Stockings Your energy is unmatched man. Awesome guy to have around the team chat, happy we got you, and thanks for assisting the NU slot the weeks you weren't playing (and me in NUPL :D)

Xrn I know you're like "omg thanks for the carry" but genuinely every tour I play with you my record is through the fucking roof. This is no coincidence. You're all the encouragement I need every week to go out and kick some ass, so even if you feel like you were a huge nuisance to the team, you did a lot for me as a person this tour. Thanks brother <3

Hclat always happy to work with you man. Huge inspiration to me, and it's an honor to get to manage with you and pick your brain about mons every week for a whole tournament.

That's all from me, thanks for the experience and I love you guys, so happy to have been on this rollercoaster ride with y'all:blobnom:
when oi eard oi ad been chosen fo da anglo-saxon anglerfish oi was roit chuffed, oi was. ere wos a team, wiv two wins olredy neef its belt, wot won'ed me ta be a pa' of the third. and vey did deliver, didn vey? oi learned tonnes abou' wot goes inna a tour loik this, even if i wosn always da fiist choice ta play. moi humblest gra'i'ude to bof managers for givin me vat shot wot oi did get. oi onwy wish tha', when oi did play, oi hadn wost on time. vat made me roit fuurious, it did. bu vats the way fings go sometimes, innit.

god save the king, and god save the anglo-saxon anglerfish!!
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