Tournament NDWC III - Finals (Won by USA Northeast + Canada)


is a Tournament Directoris a Member of Senior Staffis a Community Contributoris a Tiering Contributoris a Top Contributoris a Top Dedicated Tournament Hostis a Battle Simulator Moderator
Monotype Leader
Hosted by Irpachuza, ken, and TheSorcer3r

Wonderful art by Kolohe
Schedule | Records | Usage Stats & Replays

  • Follow all rules listed here.​
  • Schedule via Smogon VMs. It's easier for us to make decisions for activity calls when we can actually see what went down with scheduling.​
  • If you are unable to schedule with your opponent, please let your managers know ASAP so they can communicate that to us or the other team's managers for a potential substitute.​
  • Substitutions may be made after a week as started. When making a substitution, please tag myself, the managers of the opposing team, and all of the players affected by the substitute to ensure that everyone is made aware. Players who have already played in the week or were subbed out in the same week cannot be subbed back in.​
  • If a match remains incomplete by the time of the deadline, it will be subject to an activity call.​
  • Post replays. Not only are they useful for confirming wins, they contribute to usage stats and allow the people who couldn't watch the games live to watch them later. They're also required.​


Europe (2) vs (5) USA Northeast + Canada
SV: Lily vs Isza
SV: Latiasboy vs Kyo
SV: entrocefalo vs peap
SV: tlenit vs LBN
SS: pannu vs Finchinator
SS: Stareal vs 3d
Monotype: AtraX Madara vs Booty
Ubers: Guard vs Fc

Congratulations for making it to finals and good luck!
The deadline for Finals is Sunday, June 25th at 11:59pm GMT-4.

Europe (0) vs (0) USA Northeast + Canada
SV: Lily vs Isza
SV: Latiasboy vs Kyo
SV: entrocefalo vs peap
SV: tlenit vs LBN
SS: pannu vs Finchinator
SS: Stareal vs 3d
Monotype: AtraX Madara vs Booty
Ubers: Guard vs Fc
Last edited:
Europe (3) vs (5) USA Northeast + Canada
SV: Lily vs Isza (lily)
SV: Latiasboy vs Kyo (kyo)
SV: entrocefalo vs peap (entrocefalo)
SV: tlenit vs LBN (lbn)
SS: pannu vs Finchinator (finch)
SS: Stareal vs 3d (3d aka rileyescobar)
Monotype: AtraX Madara vs Booty (vamos madara.)
Ubers: Guard vs Fc (fc)


of the void
is a Community Contributoris a Social Media Contributor Alumnusis a Smogon Discord Contributor Alumnus
OMPL Champion
feels nice to finally win a team tournament in this tier, thank you to kaiser for letting my useless ass do nothing until finals.

to my team, thank you for bringing this home since it means a lot to me even if a lot of our games in this final were of a very low quality play-wise - we still managed to keep our head in the game and show why we were a top contender.

i started in this tier and honestly its been so long since ive really been a part of the community or played in a real capacity but this feels nice because i can step back from the tryhardery a bit lol. pdt gum Kate Attribute jawsome274 fade Collette hariyana grande avarice thanks for the support and the chat activity throughout the tournament.

stellar performance europe also
At work atm but ggs Europe. Always been a fan of you guys since day 1 glad to play you in finals. I wasn't sure how this tournament would play out seeing as my friends abandoned me (JON, SAGE) and with the NE/South split I was left with a brand new roster. Having too many cooks on our team made our builds a little quirky which resulted in some goobage, but worked out in the end.

Definitely very proud of not only my teammates but the newer players on our roster. My motivation for this tour wasn't just to only win, but to give the community members that contribute and care about the tier a ring. Sorry if I was harsh on you guys in finals, just competitive by nature :heart:

Thanks fade Attribute pdt Kate Redgoop115 gum Seo. Collette hariyana grande avarice and jawsome274 for hanging out and helping when needed, you're all always welcome in my team tour discords.

Don't think I'll be managing again, I think 4/4 finals with 3 wins is impressive enough

And as always, thanks for having me.
i'm glad i was able to pretend to help and just in general hang in the server, my interest in mons has kinda died down a little since this began but i still appreciate it a ton thank u Isza for the invite and you and everyone for just being supportive all around :) also gz to everyone for being awesome at all the formats played and for the win!


Tournament Banned
is a Top Tiering Contributor Alumnus
UPL Champion
Had a ton of fun this season the moment i got out of Ubers slot, thank u Fc for taking that fall for me king. That aside, very fun team to mess around with and truthfully i think natdex is very fun to mess around with right now, and i enjoyed bringing wins home while having said fun. Love to team w yall again.

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