New Years Resolution, Post yours here c:

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Hai guys! c:
Happy new year woot 2013! finnaly no more 2012 crap sorry for the language >.<
So yay its 2013 and you know what that means new years resolutions you'll never keep, yay woot :D
You're probably saying "why make this thread if we dont keep these resolutionz lulz" well it's just fun to see how well you did with the promises you keep at the beginning of the year and compare them to yourself at the end. c:

So anyways what are you're resoultions? Why so? Go on and post :)

Anyways my resolution is do well in school, keeping my grades up of course or my dad will kill me :c
And do well in tennis hopefully make JV but thats a distant dream as the tennis team really hates freshmen e.e
And maybe be more brave with my social life because you know swag c;
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