Memes You Made

the first sentence of the meme carries. the rest is not that funny, but the first is comedy gold.
anyways, join me next time on meme analysis.
deep in the jungles of papua new guinea, there is an ancient temple. no one knows who built it; the closest evidence of civilization is hundreds of miles away, and they never even had the technology to build something so large and complex. for centuries it was thought to be merely a myth, as everyone who searched for it came back empty-handed—that is, if they came back at all. but thanks to modern satellite photography, it was recently proven to exist, and since then a few scientific expeditions have actually found the temple and begun to uncover the secrets within.

simply getting there is an ordeal unto itself. it's a four-day trek on foot from the nearest village, and foot is the only way to travel since there are no roads, paved or unpaved, anywhere in that pristine and untouched rainforest. for that matter, there are no landmarks at all, save the scattered bones and tattered remains of clothes marking the final destinations of travelers less fortunate than yourself. finding the place without help from an aerial drone is virtually impossible—just ask the skeletons.

the jungle surrounding the temple houses some of the deadliest and most terrifying animals on land. aggressive venomous snakes, crocodiles the size of buses, cassowaries with a kick that can kill a horse, giant centipedes, poisonous birds, and that's just the stuff science has discovered so far. myths abound of more dangerous creatures still—dog-sized tarantulas, enormous vampire bats, drop bears, there have even been reported sightings of living dinosaurs in the temple's vicinity. and don't think you're safe if you see no animals at all, because even the plants are out to get you. when you near the temple, you'll have to wade through a sea of gympie-gympie plants, whose thorns are so painful that being stuck by one has driven people to suicide. that is, if you're not made into dinner by the carnivorous flowers said to lurk nearby.

if you manage to survive all the way to the temple, you'll find that the interior is a labyrinth. if you put daedalus, felix klein, and m.c. escher in a room together, it would take them a thousand years to design a maze half as maddeningly intricate and non-euclidean. it defies order and geometry itself. when you turn back, you might enter a different room from the one you left. turn right, you'll be heading left. or possibly up. and of course the shifting rooms aren't the only peril—there are so many booby traps even indiana jones wouldn't make it through unscathed. but if you do make it through, against all odds, you'll find the treasure room.

the splendor of it would take your breath away. every precious mineral and metal you can imagine, carved into dazzling tapestries of battles and myths from an age long gone. just a fragment chipped off of one of the walls would be worth millions, and that's not even mentioning the actual stuff in the room. stacks of gold and silver coins piled almost to the ceiling. diamond-studded treasure chests filled with platinum bars. and in the center of it all, sitting on an altar encrusted with rubies and jade, is an artifact of fantastic magical power: a compass that can point you in the direction of any creature in the universe, living or dead.

if you make it through all these trials and tribulations, you just might be able to use that compass to find the guy who asked

(i wasted like half an hour of my life making this)
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