Pokémon XY General Discussion

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"Introducing Pokémon X2 and Y2! Please welcome the seventh generation of Pokémon! Here are the starters, and two legendaries!

Please excuse us while we tell you nothing for two months

On a more serious note, though, I wonder how they will do it. Will Iwata be the speaker of the video, presenting the news to us as if we were all sitting in the same room? If so, I'd expect more to be revealed about a specific feature (likely to be Pokémon Amie or Mega Evolutions, but could in theory be anything). Perhaps he will talk a little about the inspiration behind some of the new Pokémon/characters/locations? A little "behind the scenes" stuff?

After all, reveals of new Pokémon and gameplay is usually the stuff of pure trailers or magazine "articles". If a person is presenting the news, he won't give us a bunch of random gameplay clips, nor a block of text or details of movesets or base stats. Though, I'd expect a trailer at the end of the Direct, in the style of all the previous ones.
If Iwata is speaking and not Masuda, we likely won't get much if any behind the scenes stuff like that.

I suspect it will be a new trailer, probably international reveal of the special 3dses, maybe a special campaign for buying them, and maybe a reveal of a Pokemon in Smash Bros.
If they deviate from XY stuff at all, the recent trademarks for Pokken Fighters and [english] trademark for Pokemon Tretta could be shown.
Considering they are going out of their way to do a Nintendo Direct, it will probably be important information.

Adamant Zoroark

catchy catchphrase
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I have a bad feeling about this, especially since this was announced all of the sudden.

Arceus forbid, we hear Iwata say "we want to take more time". At this point, I'm willing to accept any news, good or bad, or even no news (just another Pokémon history segment), as long as it's not a delay.

Less than 24 hours, people!
I highly doubt they'd ever do a Nintendo Direct just to announce a delay.

Like seriously, if they were to announce a delay why would they make a Nintendo Direct about it? Seems like there would be more feasible ways to announce a delay than by Nintendo Direct.
I highly doubt they'd ever do a Nintendo Direct just to announce a delay.

Like seriously, if they were to announce a delay why would they make a Nintendo Direct about it? Seems like there would be more feasible ways to announce a delay than by Nintendo Direct.
Like just directly announcing it in a press release
Or at least word it differently

Considering everything about the advertising it would be incredibly baffling to suddenly delay the games at this point barring a game breaking bug or production issues
Sometimes, I just wanna watch the entire world die of a broken heart

Arceus forbid, we hear Iwata say "we want to take more time". At this point, I'm willing to accept any news, good or bad, or even no news (just another Pokémon history segment), as long as it's not a delay.
I don't see Nintendo doing to XY what they did to the Wii U games. Does everything we've seen look like it needs to be more delicately crafted?
My bet is that this Pokémon Direct will be like a glitzier version of Masuda's announcement where Honedge was revealed.

Mario With Lasers

Self-proclaimed NERFED king
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What baffles me is that Pokébeach's type chart was perfect. I can't think of any other type that would fit so well as a resistance to Fairy than Psychic. Not even Ice would be that good, because 1) that Pokémon Smash sketch back in May implied Fairy was at least neutral against Ice (at least that's how I looked at it), and 2) lol great, Fairy would be resisted only by two types weak to SR.

Maybe Fighting won't be weak to Fairy as a way to make up for it, but then it would be even better as a type than it is nowadays. It would be helpful to curb Steel's dominance over the metagame and that would only be for the benefit of Fairy-types, I guess, but... I'm kinda sick of Close Combat spamming in OU.

...Oh wait, if Dark-types' presence in the metagame is reduced because of the Fairy weakness, then maybe Ghost-types could see more use.

Still just rumors. As reputable as they are becoming, we still have no confirmation besides that it's super-effective on Dragon (I think). But that could change very soon.
And its not very effective on Fire.
That would possibly be the greatest thing ever.
Listen to us Gamefreak! At the very least: (here's what I would do) allow us to take outsider Pokemon without a nickname to the name rater. A pokemon that hasn't been personified and given a true identity by the OT deserves to get one. Like if you're getting a mon from a Paul-like figure. If the mon already has a name, you should respect that. And it's easy because after nicknaming it once, the game could treat the mon like a nicknamed outsider. If you're going to go ahead and give that betrayed Pokemon a new identity, that becomes powerful and can't be simply changed.

I watch the anime too much...
I think I'll just be content with the Starters' Secondary Evolutions. Oh and maybe that new battle system Masuda mentioned a good while back. GF really seems to have modelled X&Y in concurrence with the Metagame. It's about time they altered it to become more convenient and "competitive".
I am hoping that they will show the evolutions of the starters, or at least the second stage. I still haven't made a choice though I know for certain Chespin won't be the one.

Furthermore I am hoping for some update about the type chart and an a fresh start indeed.


Cod Mod
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I don't think we'll see the evolutions of the starters yet, to be honest.

Because of the limited information we have, we know next to nothing about what we don't know, to put it confusingly. We don't know for certain if, say, Noivern has an evolution or a pre-evolution. We'd like to find out, but we'd also stay content if we don't get to know yet. Likewise with Mega Evolutions. We don't know what Pokémon will get them, but we'd like to find out. We're more interested in finding out if there is more to be known, rather than specifically what it is.

As for the starter evolutions, however, we know they exist. They will be revealed some day, you will encounter them during game play. They are very significant to gameplay. But, we don't know anything else about them. We want to see what we know exists, compared to the hypothetical Noivern family which might not. We have speculated a LOT about this, lots of people are asking themselves the same questions, we know there is an answer, but we haven't been told yet.

We tend to wish more for confirmation (or disconfirmation) of our theories, we want to know if our speculations are true or not. We want answers to our questions, more than we want new, unrelated info. Sure, it would be neat with the reveal of this generation's equivalent of Snorunt or Carnivine, but it would be a lot more satisfactory hearing about this generation's equivalent of Charizard.

Do GameFreak think in the same ways, though? Hardly. They want us to stay tuned to hear the answers we crave. Meanwhile, they keep feeding us teasers, giving us more questions we want to be answered the next time. For full satisfaction, we have to buy the game. I don't expect the starter evolutions to be revealed, as much as I expect to hear about this generation's equivalent of Snorunt or Carnivine.
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