Project Player Interview V3 #2: Indigo Plateau

Aqua Jet

Boogie Time
is a Contributor to Smogonis a Community Contributor Alumnus

Approved by UU moderation & inspired by Feliburn's project
Amazing Art by Magnum
OP ripped from Moutemoute's

Welcome to the first of many "UU Player Interviews", a project where you'll be able to discover or re-discover some well-known players in the UU community. Those people may be known thanks to their high-skill level, their achievements on the strategic scene, or thanks to their dedication to the tier or within the community.

First question: How are you IP?

I’m good, tired as per usual bc work sucks lol, wbu?

I'm doing wonderful! Just finished eating dinner. Do you wanna introduce yourself to our audience?

Sure thing - sup folks, if you’re reading this chances are you already know me, some longer than others. I go by Indigo Plateau here (IP or many other things for short). I started off in the OU community at around XY time mainly as a ladder player and then moving into ORAS/SM era I started contributing to OU forums and became a mod there. Eventually, I got into UU instead and really enjoyed building SM UU instead (lol), and a long time later here we are. IRL I’m 24 and originally from Venezuela, but then my family moved to Miami and I moved across the US to Michigan for college. I’m now working full time as a design engineer at a civil engineering firm designing things like storm sewer, parking lot, buildings, etc. Besides Smogon, I enjoy hanging with my gf/friends, playing sports (soccer/volleyball/basketball), playing video games (FPS on PC or a bunch of things on Switch), & travelling!

What made you interested in learning UU rather than OU?

I eventually got tired of playing SM OU and enjoyed my time in UU more. I was on Sharks for one SPL where I worked really closely with Lycans and liked the UU community more too, so I decided to stick it out here instead of going back.

I'm glad you chose to start playing UU or else we might not be here! On a slightly more serious note, not long ago you were promoted to Tier Leader. As a new TL, what is your first order of business?

Hmm tough question, I guess for me it was making sure that I was as informed as possible with the meta because we were going to get drops shortly after I was promoted. I also like being involved and open with the community because when I started on the site, one of the biggest complaints was that TLs/council weren’t really involved with their general community, and I think we’ve done a good job at that during SS. I try to gauge community opinion on everything as much as possible bc a happier community = happier me

I also think that the UU Council has been very active in the community during the generation. Speaking of the council, are there any spoilers for what we might see a suspect on? (Feel extra free to pass on this one since I know most council chats are confidential)

Like originally planned, we’re hoping to talk about Latias this weekend since she was a council drop instead of a usage drop. There’s been talks on a couple of other mons that people have found problematic but nothing concrete on that yet!

I see, I'm glad to hear something might be done about Latias. A while ago you were drafted for SCL. What’s the team atmosphere like? Are you having fun?

I’m having a lot of fun! I love all of my teammates and have zero complaints about my team so far. My personal experiences in past officials have usually been subpar so it’s good to be on a team that gets along and is doing well so far. I asked my teammates today, but if you could choose between fighting a rooster every time you got in your car (it spawns in there) or a monkey with a sword (you have a sword of your own) once a month, what would you pick?

What did they respond with?

Most people took the rooster fight but I trusted my sword-fighting skills since I drive a lot LOL

That made me laugh! Alright, time for our last question: What's the story behind people in the UU Discord calling you a furry?

LMAO. So three UUPLs ago when I was on the Rangers (managed by Pak), there was a brief period where the team & I had some mediocre performances. I told the team that in order to turn our season around I’d jokingly become a furry and the week immediately after I said that, we kinda just owned everyone and went on to win the tour. Naturally, some funny logs were posted in UU discord and everyone started calling me a furry since. It was definitely worth the tradeoff because that team was the best team atmosphere I’ve ever been a part of.

LOL. Alrighty, before we go is there anybody you wanna give a special shoutout to?

I could mention a lot of people but I’ll keep it really short. Shoutouts to TPP, my longest friend on this site and the reason why I got into OU + RMT, glad to see you’re smashing everyone in the OU pool now after I owned you in tests back in the day Shoutouts to my second longest friend & the most handsome user on this site aka Accel, I swear we’re brothers separated at birth & I can’t wait to avenge my loss from Champs last year in Week 9 Shoutout to the barclay gang & swole user Pak who I’m hopefully meeting irl next week. And lastly shoutout to the UU community who’s kept me around much longer than I thought I’d stay, you guys are all great & I hope I do a good job while I’m here!

Thanks for doing this interview!

Thanks for the nice interview!

Feel free to ask Indigo Plateau any questions you want!
If you have some recommendations for an interview, feel free to DM me!
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ss ou fangirl
is a Pre-Contributor
> I asked my teammates today, but if you could choose between fighting a rooster every time you got in your car (it spawns in there) or a monkey with a sword (you have a sword of your own) once a month, what would you pick?

What if I don't have a car? Do I just never have to fight the rooster?

Indigo Plateau

is a Community Leaderis a Top Tiering Contributoris a Community Contributor Alumnusis a Contributor Alumnusis a Past SCL Champion
UU Leader
when are we going to see your fursona
ask Pak when he visits me on tuesday he might send pics
Are you able to summon Lycans and manage a Team Venezuela for next year's UUWC?

As new TL, do you have any plans to give RBY UU more of a presence within the UU subforums?
Lycans visits from time to time but my mans is busy trying to be successful irl :pirate: imagine that

I’m hoping that we get to test RBY during a team tour next year, and hopefully we can gauge community opinion on it further in advance this time too to see how it goes!

How did you pick your username?

Do you like playing any tiers beside UU and OU?
I used to be called DownAbove but thought it was too edgy & wanted a pkmn related one, the Indigo Plateau was a very memorable place during my childhood of playing mons so I went with it

I like spectating a lot of tiers but as far as playing goes I like monotype a lot! I tried MPL this year & the team experience was phenomenal, I’d recommend it to everyone

I love you like a brother man. Got just one question for you to which there is only one right answer: do I get a VIP invite to your wedding?
you’ll be the first one to receive an invite my man

> I asked my teammates today, but if you could choose between fighting a rooster every time you got in your car (it spawns in there) or a monkey with a sword (you have a sword of your own) once a month, what would you pick?

What if I don't have a car? Do I just never have to fight the rooster?
I guess so, want a car? I heard pdt is gifting some

take off ur pants
add me on snap

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