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  • I'll do a writeup in the same style that I do with all my shenanigans. Man, the most normal/mundane shit in my life gets hundreds of views per week. WHAT THE HELL
    two dozen times LOL. Yeah I heard there was quite the controversy, but now there's like 10 people interested in meeting me out east.

    Ales? I drink a lot of canadian (see: not shitty english) ones
    looks like you want Erufuun to be slow...why, she tryin' to run from you?
    Newcastle is kind of shit. Decent in cooking, though.

    Man I really feel that I've found a niche on this site beyond trolling.
    hehe it was very well done. I love this new forum, it combines my strengths so well!
    man every time I log in I have like 4 or 5 new VMs and some PMs too
    Hey Lee, are you still interested in writing your Gastrodon (Memento) set? If not, SOMALIA would be interested in writing it. Let me know! Thanks.
    Hey, I asked another moderator (Wild Eep) the same question a few days ago but I haven't gotten a response...If I use a hacked parent (in this case, a Lucario stolen from Bruno in HeartGold) and a legit parent, am I allowed to trade the offspring so long as I say one parent is hacked? I didn't see it anywhere in the rules, so...
    i promise the next time i'm parading around scotland with firemods we'll let you know

    what's up?
    Well remember we fought over Erufuun and then became bros about it so I moved on. I HAD TO Lee, you can be my favorite male member of the forum
    Aw, that's a shame. :( Thanks anyway.

    Would you mind closing my thread please? I don't really like having the poll there, and I wanted to reformat anyway.
    Hey, is there any chance you could remove the poll on my thread? I regret making it really (stupid I know).

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