Winters Zombie
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  • for non-cgear you CANNOT use an AR when entering the game and catching a poke to check the IVs for the parameter search. it will throw the whole process off.

    also, you're picking the right DS type and version in the boxes on the right correct? if you don;t choose the right stuff you probably won;t get results. also, you need to enter your full 12-character MAC address not the last half.
    oh, right, so what you would use is..(in order starting from seconds)


    and that should be good enough to get you a result once you enter your IVs and the date/time/MAC.
    yeah, i've done this quite a bit with a few people and that's not exactly right. for your first search, set gxstat and vframe to 0-20, then take the value you get from the code for vcount and set that value to just the vcount value. keep in mind, my code displays everything in decimal and you need to convert to hex before entering it into the parameter finder. for example, if the code gave you a dollar amount of $45, you need to take that vcount value and convert to hex. 45 in hex is 2D, so you would set vcount to 2D-2D in the parameter finder. finally rwtimer(aka timer0). once you use the code to get this value, convert it to hex and use it like this:

    for example, if your trainer ID was set to 01918, you convert that to hex and get 77E for a timer0 value. in the parameter finder, enter 700-7FF.

    also, make sure your seconds value is set to 00-59 when you search. does that make more sense?
    Awesome, March 6th English release for me, I pre-ordered off play asia 'cos I asked my parents for it as a Christmas gift; they're pretty much some to grips with the fact that I play pokemon, rather, that I started playing pokemon again, lol. Anyway, to bed with me 3:10 am, and I've got a hip hop show to make it to in 18 hours, see ya bro.
    Oh, I was wondering about wondercard's and shinys. If not a fixed shiny, is it possible for a wondercard 'mon to be shiny? I have seen 'supposed' shiny wishmkr jirachis floating around.
    XD - I don't text too often and the science area that I'm in during school hours have no I can't text anyone, lol. Emails are really the only way I communicate. Feel free to leave me something though :)

    insert email gonez! :P

    I'm going to delete it soon so yeah, get it while it's fresh :)
    Aww - I've seen all of them! haha, too badz...I'm off the hook.
    My list: Gladiator (the one with Russel Crowe), 5cm per second (watch this!), Princess Mononoke, Voices of a Distant Star, and free slot :P

    Ahaha...and I'm going to be busy because I'm preparing my giveaway for Smogon.Good news - I got my FIRST acceptance letter to pharmacy school!!! Super happy :)
    XD - really? That's so surprising, ahaha. Do you have a top 5 list? My intention were that I tell you my favorite and you tell me yorus and we watch it in a month's time and get back to each other :P

    I'm gonna be...inactive on here for a while by the way :(
    i posted it in the discuss my pokemon.

    it took me four hours, but everstone helped me alot.
    the most I ever had was ~150
    which I spent almost 5 hours to get and no more than 1 minute to use XD
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