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  • me to. You have to click boxes, store them and save. and after that close it and open what says:
    go online

    if you open "go online" itll take you to a box place with servors like: smogon university: 753 users. when i get here, however, ill click find battle but i can never find anyone.
    indeed. sure excadrill blaziken and garchomp are "better than your average OU" but that doesnt that excadrill blaziken or garchomp can do crap against pokemon with better stats like lugia or groundon (except for ho-oh, for whom rock slide is public enemy #1 and they all learn it). And congratulations, i hope to battle u soon cuase my team on PO is ready. Also i ABSOLUTELY HATE that are good people like all of us, who ev train and work hard to battle competitevely, and then there just slackers like 8-year olds who shrug, turn on their computerand just select hardy max stat scizor or something. but hey, theyll feel stupid when they show up to a VGC with just the laptop, only to find out they need the game. LOL You might need a certain program like windows, but if you set up/choose the one it downloads on you should be fine. Im already on and once you get it you make your own team and we can find out how to face eachother.(I would like your 1st team to be OU, cuase thats what mine is.)(also, thats where the smogon preimer league is having the tourn. so you should sign up and make a team, im doing ou and i signed up.)Once this done tell me if it worked. Personally i think its kinda "weak" for tournaments to just use pokemon that are literally poofed out of nowwhere but what the heck.
    wait is pokemon online for uber agency the one where u build a team onlien and not the one u use in the game
    Hello new Uber Agnecy Member!

    First off, Welcome to Uber Agency! This is a group a lot like the SSIS, Team Aero, TRC, etc. If you have experience in groups like these, great! if you don't then this is a good place to start. You have some near the start of Uber Agency’s existence, so we hope you'll enjoy your time here as much as I do.
    We have a group-wide assignment up in assignment room now! Please check it out so you can get merits quickly! This maybe your chance to separate yourself from the rest ranking-wise.

    Also, if you have not gone to the Rankings, Jobs and Signing Up discussion to sign up please do so now thank you.

    ~Arceus Gnl. Metal Bagon
    i find that if u "think" about not looking for it, try to ev train something and make sure the last thing u need is 2 find something u have 2 catch, u might find one randomly.
    yes, i beat the single master 49 th without taking a hit. Haxorus used drag. dance, cloyster used shell smash, an iclicel spear and 2 dives, and thats that! I think palmer 49th was definitly harder. so hows it going with the torchic eggs if u started?
    how bout good ol standard single. This saturday when I am not cramming for finals,
    with you permission I can put the battle online
    have u ever had a game say to you "the foe's ________ avoided the attck"? thats what happened to me, and frequently. It can when a move stillhas 100% accuracy, the most constantly happening one to me is a double battle, oppenent hold a sash, band, claw,etc. and they "avoid" a surf. (note that i think it only says that in games bfore b/w.
    yeah 4 times lol. I once faced a cpu in the battle tower 156th (i think) battle whose lapras got it to work 10 times in a row. of course then it was triple quick claw sheer cold for me i lost. :(
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