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  • I tried LO Mamo for some time, but I didn't know what to replace. I tried it over Abomasnow, but since I'm running semi-stall, I require Hail to wear down my opponents. I have a huge Thundurus problem though so that could help. If you got anys suggestions I am all ears
    Lololololololol, and yeah Tornadus and Dugtrio was pretty common in BW so I might have to see what I can use to check them. Slowking can take an EQ easily and Scald for the KO and LO Hurricane does 40% on average which is cool
    is blunder a genius wtf
    no legit, this nigga really deciphered BW
    Crazy peak bro. Vacations going well, and yeah, my teams been stolen and edited$knew it would happen when I had 40 #none specs every game lol
    It's great. Really screws up the opponent late game with ChestoResto and with all the support it's very hard
    Had to delete ur 2nd vm, which was real nice, cus the paste revealed my secret rotom set -.-.Congrats on 1600 bro and keep gaining points. Remember not to share that rotom set with ANYONE, even if it means cutting it out of a pastebin of the team you wanna send to someone(and to a lesser extent the gliscor one too :p) ill be back, oh, and pm me that team again lol.I like it
    Ye bitch, don't you dare share that motherucking set or else i'll kill u.
    Finch, its been a while, I guess.What's up man.Well, as you know, due to my being banned(unfairly), and my loss of good reputation, I decided to quit pokemon.I uninstalled PO almost two weeks ago.I will return, though, but I don't know when...
    Hey I battled you yesterday against your Rain Volcarona team. Do you mind if I try it out? Like in a Wifi battle. I'll give you credit and stuff
    yeah dude no prob, glad you liked it
    not like i'm going to give a flying fuck lol, and it's whether not weather, learn to fuckin spell.
    dam son, you honestly think i would gaf bout your vms bitching? you already lost bitch deal w/ it.
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