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  • Current Activity: Viewing Thread I'm pretty sure you want to read this thread.

    well that is very descriptive
    * You have been invited to #smogpromotion by DougJustDoug (
    * Now talking on #smogpromotion
    * Topic for #smogpromotion is: hipmonlee sucks and so does new zealand including the ross dependency
    * Topic for #smogpromotion set by EeveeTrainer at Fri Jan 20 01:37:41 2012
    * capefeather has changed the topic to: Smogon's official channel for promotion discussion. | I don't know what's going on, but it sounds serious.
    <@DougJustDoug> Hello
    <@DougJustDoug> Let's wait until everyone gets here.
    * Eo (Mibbit@8734202E.C429A952.BBFE3A76.IP) has joined #smogpromotion
    <@DougJustDoug> Okay Eo's here we can start.
    <Eo> =)
    * MoltenKyurem is now known as Sabin
    * Sabin is now known as MoltenKyurem
    * Oglemi has quit (Quit: Leaving)
    * kd24 (kd24@TAKE.YOUR.DAMN.CLOTHES.OFF) has left #smogpromotion
    <@DougJustDoug> Suck on my testicles.
    * DougJustDoug (~Doug@Doug.Just.Doug) has left #smogpromotion
    I'm asking because I joined a post seven years ago, and made a friend with a person. Seven years later, I found him in real life!
    Hey DougJustDoug... I live in Houston as well. Is there any possibility that we have met before? Are you still in school? if so, where?
    hey doug let me post my problems on your vm wall since i bet you have nothing else to do

    1) Rising_Dusk did not give this CaP 175 base speed so I would like to report him for being a dikcmouth
    2) The bathrooms outside of the Little Cup forum area have gotten to the point where I can scarcely stand to be there. I think you should assign a janitor to go clean them up right away.
    3) My wife left me after I refused to eat dinner because she had put some kind of leafy vegetable on my plate when she KNOWS I am a conscientious objector to the murder of plants. I am somewhat saddened by this, but I know that you can fix my problems because you are an administrator.
    5) There are two bobtheballs here on your visitor wall??
    6) These are my problems with Smogon and if you do not fix them, I will be forced to report you to The Proper Authorities

    good day.
    Hello Doug. I'm not sure where I should write this, or who to approach this matter with.

    I'm here to complain about Nexus. I'm a frequent visitor to the IRC channel #smogonwifi. Recently he has been abusing his power and regularly doing nasty things to me. A little while ago today, he stole my nickname, which is my username on here. When I tried using it, he kicked me out. Twice.

    Honestly I'm not sure what to do. But this is completely ridiculous and I felt like someone should be told about this.
    figured this didn't really deserve a post in the thread:

    i think if you removed the masks and put her right hand on her hip it would be actress-y enough.
    Hey DougJustDoug.

    I'm not sure that this is going to the right person, and if not, could you re-direct me please?

    I am a large Smogon user, and am currently writing a college paper on Pokemon. My topic is thus. Should Nintendo continue the Pokemon series? It is an argumentative paper, and I was pondering a question or two. First and foremost, can I use Smogon as a source for my paper? It's okay with my professor. My reason for asking is that I don't know who "owns" Smogon, and I don't know if they would have a problem with me using Smogon as a source.

    Secondly, I am not relatively "new" to competitive battling; I've been at it sporadically since the end of DPP, but I am by no means good. Do you know a good competitive battler or two I could chat with about this topic, and what it means for competitive battlers?

    Thank you for your time and effort.

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