Golden Piloswine

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  • So from what I gathered from Mantyke said below, anyone who has a sibling with a Smogon account is at risk of being accused of tomfoolery? What is this madness?
    Dude, what is that disastrous scandal on Nugget Bridge! You created multiple accounts?

    I'm not saying you registered another address with Verizon. The @verizon part isn't part of the actual email address. From the look of it, you registered a @gmail or @yahoo address with that name. The @verizon is just tacked on afterwords.

    To reiterate, that portion is irrelevant. Registering a new email is easy and what I'm getting at is that your IP addresses matched.

    Please do not make alternate accounts on smogon. We don't want to deal with this nonsense here.
    I needed to make my last one a little more...defined, so I guess you will be spared from my next one for a little while longer xD
    Lol, so far everyone has had something negative to say about every single one of my avatars, and I know for a fact that BA doesn't like the one that I'm planning on using next xD
    Well, yes we do. Given your streak of alts on IRC, this isn't terribly hard to except. Just keep it off of smogon, please.
    Maybe not as often, but i'snt is a pretty unique mistake akin to the ones you've regularly made.

    An IP Address is a several digit long number that tells a website who's connecting with what connection. You can figure out yours with a simple google search of "what is my ip". Moderators of forums can see your IP address.

    Getting to the point, don't try making alternate accounts here as you did there or you'll meet a similar fate. We can and will infract for doing so. If you decide to raise a ruckus with the account like you did there, we may take further action.
    To be perfectly frank, the IP addresses and the similar grammatical mistakes give you away.
    i was kinda like the guy you wanted a hariyama from 9.9 i just thought id ask you how you did 9.9
    I already have plans like that. But no pride to me or crack at them but most other social groups kind of lack ...critical thinking skills. I guess you can kind of call me a hybrid as well because I too spend a decent amount on he forums. Though I could always post more. Compared my post count with other social groups there is a big difference. Look at PLC and mine. Relatively the same time on smogon but he only posted 6 unproductive times.
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