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  • I don't think it'll be possible. I have stuff all day and my evening is like 3 am for you. Better stick to the initial plan.

    EDIT: actualy I even have stuff during the evening
    Hey we're opponents in ST9. I'm GMT -6 and available between 2-8pm in the week and pretty much all day in the weekend. I'm a Beta player, so you can either give me a time, or find me on PO in #Tournaments.
    hey there, were matched up in spl. I'm on vacation this week but I still need to work on my team. Do you have any time restrictions or preferences ? (I'm GMT-5)
    Hello, try to get on irc today between now and 8 pm max or tomorrow afternoon (13h-16h), thank you, i'll be too busy to play sunday so no johns

    or at least, try to appear sometime on irc plz
    Or i have a break tonight and i'd prefer to do it today so that i can go back studying so ill hang on #spl if u wanna play, plz ^_^

    Édit im on irc, you can come!
    Since i have exams This week ill be available to play This week-end, Will be on irc
    Hey sorry I have been really busy this last week can you do our match tomorrow or the next day since the tenth is the deadline? You are an hour ahead of me so give me a time and I will try my best to make it happen.
    Hey sorry I have been really busy this last week can you do our match tomorrow or the next day since the tenth is the deadline? You are an hour ahead of me so give me a time and I will try my best to make it happen.
    So this Tie Break ! Let's do it before 2013 or nop ?! Friday around 7PM or 10PM (Gmt+1) is it fine for you ?
    Hi, we have to battle in DPP OU for Spirit League Finals, the deadline was today ^^' so it will be great to did it sooner as possible, what do you think about Friday/Saturday around 6PM or 10PM (Gmt+1)
    This week end it's ok for me, saturday or sunday in the afternoon around 4pm (GMT +2) or later if you want
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