Sevi 7
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  • yo!! would you be interested in playing for ADV 1v1 Cup? it's a lit format
    Sevi 7
    Sevi 7
    I don't have much experience with 1v1 in general, but I'm always down to try something new.
    That's great! If you ever need teams just go ahead and ask
    Sevi 7
    Sevi 7
    I'll definitely need teams. If you see me online you can ask to play. If I'm not in the middle of something I'll usually be down for a game.
    ADV Ubers; I'm gmt -4, any specific time you wanna shoot for?
    Hey, sorry I didn't see your message! Wednesday should be fine, so long as it's not super early in the morning. Do you have a time in mind?
    Sevi 7
    Sevi 7
    It'd be later morning at earliest for me. Something around like 2 or 3 your time would be best for me honestly, but what do you think?
    3 is actually perfect, if you're up for that.
    When do you wanna play ADV ubers r1, I'm -4 and would prefer sometime early-midday for me during the week, but I'm open to a lot of times.
    Opp's for LGPE tour, I'm -4. I'm available all week except evenings heavily prefered
    Hi DPP UU roa tour, I can play, assuming you're GMT-8, weekends anytime before 1 PM for you or after 4 PM. Also can play on some weekdays if you let me know in advance, lmk what works
    Sevi 7
    Sevi 7
    Ok we can go for the weekend. Are you usually on during those times or do we need to schedule something?
    ill be usually on
    Sevi 7
    Sevi 7
    Alright sounds good
    hey when would you like to play for the DPP UU RoA tour? I'm gmt-4
    Sevi 7
    Sevi 7
    I'm on Showdown now. You can challenge me whenever you're ready.
    Sevi 7
    Sevi 7
    Hey, sorry I'm messaging you so much like this. I misread your GMT as +4. Sorry. Let's meet up tomorrow then as planned.
    no worries dude. i'll be on pretty much all-day
    yo, am gmt-5 atm i think am able to play after 6-7est pm on weekdays usually or anytime usually on weekend (for rby ubers)
    Sevi 7
    Sevi 7
    Hey, my schedule this week is crazy, but I think I can play tomorrow or the day after. I can shoot for 6-7 EST. If you'll be on the server anyways, I can see if you're online and challenge you.
    Sounds good dude I should be around
    Sevi 7
    Sevi 7
    Hello, I know you just went offline, but I'm on now if you're ready.
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